
What is the difference between PUBLIC and PRIVATE type of university in US .please help me?

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does this effect the job prospects after graduation and does these private type universities provide any scholarships ?




  1. Private Us are those run by private corporations.Public Us get funding from govt.

  2. The Victorville International University and American Centered university aims at providing best courses in IT and Management. The course strength is the first detail to ones success and aims at both theoretical and practical exposure for the subjects.

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  3. Great answer above (Lauren). It's mainly cost.

    But also, public universities are financed by public means (government), and many are state universites (i.e. Ohio State, U Florida, U South Carolina, etc.). Private universities are run without the control of any government entity- they receive lots of money from generous organizations and wealthy families. They also tend to be more prestigious.

    Yes, if you go to a private, prestigious university, you will tend to get better job offers with higher salaries from the heavyweight companies. They (private unis) are VERY selective so it's hard to get in, but if you are accepted, you can apply for scholarships. It's much more difficult at public universities to get scholarships if you're a non_US citizen, but private unis have LOTS of money to give away... if you're one of the lucky ones to get accepted!

  4. There are excellent public colleges and poor ones and the same is true of private colleges.

    The very best US colleges are private. This because they have more money which provides better resources for students. Schools in the ivy league and colleges like Stanford, Duke and such provide the very best the US has to offer.

    There are excellent public schools like UVA, Michigan and UC Berkeley, but these schools have budget issues and can not offer the same level of opportunities. None of them rank as highly as the top private colleges. They also have less diversity as the majority of their students must be from the state the school is in. They will have a broader range of abilities among students as the top state schools have lower requirements for admission than top private schools.

    State schools are quite a bit cheaper than top private colleges so most do attract many top students who can not afford the private schools. But America's wealthy kids head to privates for the quality and lack of red tape.

    An international student is far more likely to get a scholarship at a private college as they have more money to give.

  5. The main difference, honestly, is cost.  Private universities are much more expensive.

    All universities provide scholarships, I don't know if they different  between private and public.  

    Classification of a university as public or private should not affect job prospects after graduation unless you are going into a very competitive field.  Some of the most excellent universities in the world are private, but so are some of the public ones.

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