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My son decided he wanted to be diapered again with the birth of his nephew. So I decided I'm going to go with the flow for a little and surely he will grow out of it after a while. Please don't answer this question with negative answers. What is the difference between Pampers Cruisers size 7 and Pampers Baby Dry size 6? I have heard that they are actually about the same size and the Cruisers just say 7 instead of 6.
Pampers cruisers size 8 fit teenagers.Our new adopted 14 year old daughter wears the size 8 pampers 24/7 with plastic pants over them as she is starting over as a baby.
Report (0) (0) | 7 years, 6 month(s) ago
P&G does make their pampers diapers in a size 8 also for teens up to about 130 pounds.I buy them for my 15 year old daughter right from P&G,as she wets the bed frequently and wears them under her nightgown.She also wears plastic pants[aka-rubberpants]over them for added protection.last year when she was in 8th grade,she was confirmed and had to wear a white dress and veil for the ceremony and i did one of the pampers and rubberpants under her dress.Some of the girls being baptized at Easter vigil also had the size 8 pampers on under their poofy,white baptism dresses to make them feel pure like a baby for their baptism.
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago
what ever you do. do not buy the pampers cruisers size 7 because there the exact same size of a pamper cruisers with dry max size 6. there also the same exact size of a pampers babydry size 6. the only reason I found this out is because I matched both together and thy came out the exact same size. the only thing they did was the box. put a diffrent baby on it. and a nuber 7. 41lbs-19+kg. and I bet ten to one that baby on the box is no were near a size 7 yet. if p&g wants to produce a size 7 then they should make a real size 7. a pamper size 7 should be 85-125lbs. I have to madifi my pampers cruisers size 7 and pampers cruisers size7 to get them to fit right. im to small for adult diapers there just way to big to use. the adult diapers start out at 32"-44"inch thats just way to big. and Im diaperd 24/7 due to health problems. Ive been a pamper user for over 37 years. also one the pampers cruisers size 7 they should have the ultra dry core. kind of like what they hade in the 70-80s it is very hard to find a product that will work when your in between sizes. thats why pampers need to do the right thing and make a real size 7 pamper diaper. I would asume that p&g think that people are dumb and wont catch on. well I have news for them. I did. and IM not happy about it. just to let you know that a pamper cruisers size7 a pampers cruisers with drymax size6 and a pampers babydry size6 they all fit a 26"inch waist. also I found out that a diaper machine can make a baby, toddler, youth, and young adult diaper up to a size 9. and thats with one tape tab one each side with cartoon prints. if you need that one size up pamper diaper for medical reasons or if your a mother father or care provider please e-mail pampers and ask them why they did this.. please have an opend mind on this matter. and do not make fun of it. there is nothing wrong with wearing a diaper. weather your a youth or young adult that need them for medical reasons. I also found out that a pampers underjams are made out of the same stuff as a pampers easy-up. the underjams are way to thick and they get real heavy wen they get wet. and the sides split apart not a very good product. and also huggies goodnites are no better. so on this matter what ever you do. do not buy pampers cruisers size 7. because youl be flushing your hard earnd dollars$$ down the toilet. I am what you would call a diaper prow. I can tell you how there made. when, where what lot they came out of the month the year the day they where made. and also what machine they used to make them. if you want to find out about the pampers cruisers size 7 and the pampers cruisers with dry max size 6 are the same exact same size go to the store and buy one bag of pampers cruisers size7. and one bag of the pampers cruisers with dry max size 6 or better yet match them up with a pamper babydry size 6. youl find out that there the same exact size. thanks for reading. and if you agree with this matter please feel free to e-mail me. I have no family I can go to. my mother died in 1993.and my father was not a very nice man. he died of lung cancer in 2004 no big loss. so if there a mother out ther that can help on this matter please let me know. im soory for my spelling im also learning disabled. thanks for reading. and please dont make fun of this because it might happen to you one day when you might need to use a diaper for medical reasons.
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Latest activity: 7 years, 6 month(s) ago. This question has 6 answers.