
What is the difference between Period and Menstruation? Do they both have the same meaning?

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What is the difference between Period and Menstruation? Do they both have the same meaning?




  1. they mean the same thing.


  2. There is no difference between a period and menstruation. It can also be called a menstrual cycle  or menses. They are just different words for the same meaning.

  3. aww.


  4. It's the same thing. It's just easier to say "I have my period" than "I'm menstruating".

  5. yes.

  6. it means the same thing menstruation is just a more appropriate word for it.

  7. They have the same meaning. I think "period" is probably slang for menstruation.

  8. there is no difference

    they are the exact same things

  9. well period and menustration are the same the combine menustral and period together so yes they have the same meaning

  10. In the olden day they had different terms for a monthly problem.

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