
What is the difference between Plasma and LCD HDTVs? I am looking for a TV and wondering which to buy?

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What is the difference between Plasma and LCD HDTVs? I am looking for a TV and wondering which to buy?




  1. plasma = gel

    LCD = light crystals

  2. When my husband and I got our tv. We realized that LCD tvs were a little higher than plasmas, and we were told that it is because plasma screens had to be charged after a couple of years. But later actually found out that isn't true. I think that the only real downfall to plasma is the burn-in factor. For example, say you're watching a certain channel for an hour or so that has a logo in the bottom corner, if you turn to a different channel it may take a second to go away. It also gets a lot hotter than an LCD. I'm pretty sure they use more electricty also.

  3. Plasma is filled with a gas, LCD is liquid crystal display.  The LCD's typically have a flat finish so you have no reflection from light around you, where is, the plasma has a shiny finish of glass that will reflect light.  A plasma is preferable in a room without windows or limited light.  They last about the same as far as life span.  The LCD's go up to 1080p but most of the plasmas go up to 720p although the picture on the plasma is probably more clear.  I have a 42" LCD and love it.

    Get a consumer report magazine, they have the best information on all types of items in there.

    Good luck!

  4. Plasmas are good if youre really anal about the picture, but they're fragile and don't last long. Its better now to get an lcd because they're catching up in picture quality and they're more durable and last longer.

  5. Plasma TVs have better more distinct color they use gasses to bring out the picture....LCD's use little crystals pixles to display picture. LCD's last longer and are more reliable. Both have similar resolution in HDTV settings. It is a preference which you purchase.  

  6. What should you buy?

    Well, it depends on your situation.  Both Plasma and LCD technologies are highly sophisticated, and neither is *better* than the other.

    LCD's are better in situations where there is a lot of ambient light, such as windows and lamps.  LCD's tend to be brighter and won't be overpowered by a room with a lot of light.  LCDs often have ghosting issues.  Some newer models have 120hz processing, so they refresh twice as fast.  Beware, many consumers have found the image produce on a 120hz set to be "unsettling".   LCDs use about 10-15% less energy than a plasma.  LCDs have  an average panel life of 60000 hours.

    Plasma tvs have rich, deep, and accurate colors.  They also refresh about 4 times faster than lcds, so the image is very smooth.  However, plasmas use a glass panel that can create glare issues in situations with a lot of light.  Plasmas also run a little hotter than lcds. Burn-in was an issue on the first generation of plasmas, but modern plasmas have technology that eliminates burn-in complications.   Plasmas have an average panel life of 60000 hours.

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