
What is the difference between Resume, CV and bio-data?

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What is the difference between Resume, CV and bio-data?




  1. bio-data was the oldest version resume is the older one and current one is cv ..... all these are used for the same purpose .....

  2. *A curriculum vitae*, or CV for short, is not the same as a resume. Many people use the two terms interchangeably, but there are some important differences you should be aware of.

    A résumé or curriculum vitæ (CV) (from Latin "the course of one's life or career") is a document containing a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education, usually for the purpose of obtaining an interview when seeking employment.

    Often the résumé or CV is the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker, and therefore a large amount of importance is often ascribed to it.

    Traditionally, résumés have been, like careers themselves, oriented towards what a person has accomplished thus far.

    What is targeted resume?

    In most contemporary career consulting the trend is to fashion the document towards what that person can accomplish in a particular job. This is sometimes called a 'targeted résumé'.

    The major difference between a curriculum vitae and a resume is the scope of the content. A curriculum vitae generally has a much wider scope, covering areas of your life and background that a resume won't.

    1. A curriculum vitae is generally a much longer document, commonly ranging anywhere from five to ten or more pages in length. A CV gives the employer a bigger picture of you as a person as well as you as a worker.

    2. A resume is a brief, to the point, fact-by-fact analysis of your educational and professional life.

    3. The word résumé (often spelled resumé or resume) is used especially in the United States and in English Canada; the Latin term curriculum vitæ (often abbreviated CV) is instead used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, French Canada and some Commonwealth countries, as well as in the academic fields in North America, and in many languages other than English.

    In some regions (such as Australia and India ) CV and résumé are used interchangeably.

  3. Considered for a job, all the 3 r same. No one cares for it as long as you get the Job. if the ad says - " please attach CV ...." you will write " please find the attached CV...." or resume or biodate as its mentioned.

    Bio data is also used for marriage proposals for giving to brokers. it has details like name, height,weight, color, body time, education , work status, company address. contact details etc....

  4. The very basic difference between the three is that

    1. A resume is written when one has certain amount of experience in professional life and a lot of references to give.

    2. A CV on the other hand will be given typically by a fresher whose professional experience is almost zero and the only reference s/he can give is that of professors who taught him/her

    3. A Bio-data will contain more of personal information than professional.this document is usually circulated for marriage purpose.

    Things like caste, permanent address, skin colour, ht etc will be typically included in a Bio data.

  5. Bio-data is for ur marriage proposal.

    Resume and the CV both are the same thing for ur job ,

  6. A résumé is a summary of a person’s educational background and work history for a potential employer. The word, which comes from the French ‘résumé’ and means ‘summary’, thus points to the conciseness of this type of professional document – a résumé generally holds on a single page. Résumés are used in North America and in countries under American cultural influence.

    A curriculum vitae (usually shortened to CV) is the norm in Europe as well as in countries with which it traditionally has cultural ties. In keeping with the Latin meaning (roughly equivalent to ‘course of life’), the phrase usually refers to the short account of a person’s career and qualifications that is prepared when applying for a position. The main difference with the résumé is that the CV is usually longer (generally well over two pages long). It thus provides the occasion to delve more deeply into an applicant’s educational, professional and personal details. And this explains why in the USA doctors, scientists and academics also use CVs.

    International firms tend to favour the CV over the résumé because they generally want to know as much information as they can before having people travel for an interview or even having to find out the hard way whether somebody is well or ill suited to living abroad and working in a new and sometimes alien environment

  7. Resume is for marriage proposal

    bio-data for work

    and CV for dying/khutkushi

  8. All are meant to show case your abilities and qualifications.

    The nuance lies here:


    A resume is a one or two page “summary” of your skills, experience and education. Generally no more longer than a page or two.


    A Curriculum Vitae is a longer and more detailed synopsis. Generally over a couple of pages long.


    Bio-Data files concentrate more on the individual and his attributes like height, weight, colour, skin complexion,…and more that describes the person the best.

  9. Both are same like people having different names. I think Resume is French word.

  10. Bio Data is a traditional format which just contain details about you.

    Where as Resumes and CV's are mordern version of a Bio-Data. It is drafted with various additional details like career ambitions, positive traits and other  things  to improve the chances of job oppportnity.

  11. No difference. It is just different words probably to differentiate only level of applications



  13. CV is cummulative vitae which contains ur details about ur education area of job intrest and so on......this is especially for freshers.this one is the first document who describes you better without any job experience. while resume is for job searcher who have some experince in there job ....

    resume contains all details as in cv including your job experience.

    now the biodata is for urself.......about ur identity ,hobbies and it may also include physical attributes, such has height, weight, hair/skin/eye color, and a photo.

  14. Bio-data is for ur marriage proposal.

    Resume and the CV both are the same thing to apply job


  15. Both r same with different names :)))

  16. All three words are same, i thinks theses words only have Meaning "JOB" and it depend on the employer how he/she take u after getting to your BIO-DATA / C.V./ RESUME.

  17. nice explanations...


  18. all are same

  19. The three are same.............  

  20. 3 differences:

    1) Spelling is different.

    2) Pronunciation is different.

    3) Number of characters.

  21. All are same.

    Biodata to resume and resume to CV....simply evolution.

  22. Bio-data is used for matrimonial proposals.

    CV is used for a Fresh job seeker containing educational & academic activities as major part.

    Resume is used for an Experianced job seeker containing work experiance as a major part.

  23. All the three are about presenting one's information as a formal document.

    1.Biodata is mainly termed when you have to submit your document where information about physique along with education and family background is necessary.

    2.Resume is that document in which your educational background,your family background and previous work experiences are mentioned.

    3.CV is same as resume but the only difference is that it is for freshers means the person who don't have any work experience.

    One point to be remembered that you should never write Biodata or Resume or CV on the top of that document it is obvious .

  24. Bio data is about u and ur family introduction while CV and Resume for introduction about u only with your qualification , talen and experince .

  25. A résumé, commonly written "resume", is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. It is closely related to a similar document, a curriculum vitae (CV)[1] which focuses more on education, publications, and other accomplishments. Both are typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment. The résumé or CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker, and therefore a large amount of importance is often ascribed to it.

    In the South Asian community (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), a biodata is essentially a resumé. The purpose is similar to that of a résumé, to eliminate some candidates from the pool of prospective suitors before meeting others. The biodata generally contains the same type of information as a résumé (i.e. objective, work history, salary information, educational background), but may also include physical attributes, such has height, weight, hair/skin/eye color, and a photo.


  26. CV (Curriculum Vitae) and Resume are used for educational and career background for applying in admission or Job.

    Biodata is usualluy referred for marriage purposes in India.

  27. i also want ot know.

  28. I LIKED answer of NKM

  29. they are all pretty much the same

    while you consider CV(Curriculum Vitae) its just another word for resume

    And Bio-data contains more info abt U

  30. in india we use BIO-DATA

    in UK they use RESUME

    in USA they use C.V

    generally C.V and RESUME is used for Experienced persons.

    BIO-DATA for freshers.

    slowly we also addicted to use RESUME and C.V.

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