
What is the difference between Robert Mugabe & Idi Amin?

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Similarities: They're both Tyrannical Rulers cursed with Megalomania & have committed atrocities to their own people.

Differences: They're rule of Dictatorships are in different eras & ones dead & ones getting closer to death.

Can you name any others? Can you name any similarities?




  1. At least Idi Amin knew when the jig was up and take refuge in a country that would have him.

  2. Mugabe very likely has killed fewer people than Amin, but not for lack of trying.  Amin could operate quietly without much international media scrutiny until it was too late, whereas everyone's watching Mugabe.

    Also, I don't recall there ever being anything resembling a fair election in Uganda (I may be wrong), whereas Mugabe is desperately trying to feign legitimacy while bullying the MDC.

    Amin went into exile as a result of the war with Tanzania.  I feel other nations are reluctant to attack Zimbabwe because the people, not necssarily Mugabe, will suffer.  Mugabe also controls the levers of power, so an uprising seems unlikely.  Unless the army siezes power, Mugabe will die as president.

  3. None, they are basically the same.

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