
What is the difference between Rugby union and rugby league?

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What led to the the distinction between the two?

Is there a chance of a reunion?




  1. Unfortunately the answer will require quite an explanation which will require a lot of space and time.

    I suggest you read up on the rules of each type of game  individually and also get hold of video footage so that you can compare to make the difference between league and union much clearer.

    I hope these links, which include rules and videos, will help.

  2. I enjoy union, dont care for league...

  3. Originaly, league was professional and union was not. The professionals were paid, but this changed over time. Also league "playing the ball back" so doing away with many scrums and making the league game faster.  The money aspect changed since about the 60's. The league broke away from the Union around 1905.

  4. Basic differences..League,..13 man (no flankers),no lineouts, no rucks, no mauls, when you get tackled you pass it back to a team mate.You are allowed to be tackled 5 times after 6 you have to give the ball back to the other side. Scrums are a farce and uncontested.

    Union..15 man, lineouts, rucks, mauls, you can fight for the ball, scrums are contested. The 15 man game is much more popular as shown by the World Cup. Not many nations play league.

    I prefer union but others prefer league, I can't see a reunion.

    Tucksie and Mickl84 can't even agree as to which game is faster..

  5. Rugby League is the faster of the to games.

    More skill is on show at a league match.

    League Players are alot fitter than their Union counterparts.

    There are less breakdowns in play in League.

    The ball spends more time in touch in Union.

    Union is s**+te

    League is awsome.

  6. Never, they are two distinctly different games and the number of players are different. Union is a much faster game, league has been tailored to suit the crowds and has lost it's style.

  7. Basic Rugby league when you are tackled you are released and allowed to get up and back kick the ball to a member of your own team. In Rugby Union play would not stop in that way and a loose scrum would form to retrieve the ball. Hope that makes sense.

    Best wishes, Mike.

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