
What is the difference between Santa and jesus?

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If I tell people I'm 26 and still truly believe in Santa, they look at me like I'm crazy.

If I tell people that I believe in jesus, they think it's divine.

How does that make any kind of sense?




  1. I had jesus once. It died cause I forgot to feed it.

    Santa is fake, it's your parents.

  2. Why do you look for it to make sense. Once it begins to make sense, christians reject it.

  3. nope

  4. Your 26 and that is the best way to hurt and insult that you can come up with,I've seen better from 12 year olds.God created you too.

  5. It doesn't.

    Jesus is Santa, the tooth fairy and a comforting imaginary friend all rolled up into one for adults.

  6. Santa gives me presents!


  7. Jesus has better press and a more devoted following, go figure.

    I prefer Santa myself....

  8. To me, Name diffrerent, stories different and function different.

    But the main difference is not santa and jesus. It the people.

    How people thought about it, you cannot do anything.

    So just let it be. If you believe in Santa, isn;t it sweet to dream and hope that santa will come and give you the little present that you long for? Nothing wrong with that so long you are happy.

  9. Yes, because the existence of Santa is one of the few things that can be disproved (especially if global warming's gonna continue).

  10. Santa brings me presents.

    *reads other answers*

    What do you mean he's not real?!?  Are you calling my mamma a liar?

  11. The difference is that Jesus can determine who gets elected as the US president.

    Neither makes sense.


  12. Jesus is just the adult version of Santa Claus.

  13. Jesus is Lord of Lords.  Santa is nothing but a pegan elf if that.

  14. Santa promotes goodwill.  

  15. Because God is real and his Holy Spirit lives in my heart.

    Santa is a story made up by men to appease little children.

  16. santa IS REAL!  

  17. Santa's gifts aren't subjective.

    Peace and love? Try harder, Jesus.

  18. It doesn't!

    The problem is that there are too many people that believe in invisible skygods to put them all in mental hospitals.

  19. Better presents

  20. The main difference I can see is the color of the beard.

    Santa's holiday is more fun.

    And they're equally real.  

  21. you can say they are both real or they are both false. but if you say they are false only one of them will make you wish you never said that.

  22. You don't make any sense.

  23. Santa was a real person just like Jesus of Nazareth. Santa was St. Nicholas and is not a legend nor myth. I do not know why anyone would think that you are weird to believe that Santa actually existed. Its like telling someone that they are crazy because they believe that Richard Nixon existed or George Washington. Does not make any sense at all. Now if you aid that you believed in Bugs Bunny or Superman; I could say that was not real. But Santa & Jesus were real people & these facts are irrevocable. You can go to any history book in the library & there they are; light as day. Many portraits & sculptures of St. Nicholas. The portraits of Jesus are actually artist's interpretation; we have a much better idea of how St. Nicholas looked like more so than Jesus of Nazareth.

  24. Well I see everyone else has missed the obvious. If you look closely, you'd realize that Santa comes on jesus birthday. These two bearded fellows are obviously intertwined with one another in a very close and personal way. One obvious difference is this, when the jolly one comes......he delivers gratification NOW!!! He doesn't try to manipulate your mind or anything of the sort. He is what he is, straight forward. On the other hand..........when was the last time jesus made you laugh.......never!!!!!!! [well except for making fun of him] When was the last time jesus was responsible for ANY instant gratification that you had???? Again......never!!!!! Jesus and all his zombie followers are always so sullen. They seem so unhappy. They go mopin around like a posse with nobody to hang. Santa rewards me now, jesus is about "future" rewards. Nobody cares about that c**p anymore!!

  25. They're both creations of man

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