
What is the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?

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What is the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?




  1. One is running for President the other is nominated to be VP. Why would I compare them?

  2. Palin fights corruption

    Obama is part of the corruption

  3. One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty s**y piece of eye-candy.

    The other kills her own food.

  4. Obama is a serious person who thinks about US foreign policy.  As an Illinois Senator he wrote an op-ed predicting all the problems we later faced in the occupation of Iraq.  Republicans like McCain were saying it would be a cakewalk.  Obama has been working with a group of 60 retired generals and admirals preparing himself should he be the victorious candidate in November.  Sarah Palin said the Iraq war was a "task from God," and said she hasn't thought about it much.  We have no information at all to indicate she has a clue about US foreign policy, or much of anything else not related to life in Alaska.  The big convention speech did nothing to address either issue.

  5. Sarah Palin = Woman of integrity

    Barack Obama = Man of many words.

  6. I found her likeable. I didn't find her suitable for vp or pres.

    The City of Wasilla is very small and she couldn't do that job without the city needing to hire a manager. She left the city in debt. She also had some accusations of misuse of public office while being mayor (actually for doing the same thing she supposedly filed a complaint about later.) Still, most of the locals love her. The State of Alaska is a small time state with a small budget that is basically guaranteed by Exxon and BP. She has had more charges filed for abuse of office at that level. Worse she has proven herself to be a liar and a poor manager. I reference the Safety Department Supervisor, The Bridge to Nowhere, The Matanuska Maid Dairy story, and the amount of effort and level of federal earmarks she has lobbied for. It took her 6 colleges and universities before she finally graduated from the "party school" of the northwest - the University of Idaho, School of Journalism (no gpa released.)

    Then we get on to her political beliefs. She supports citizens owning assault weapons. She is against abortion, regardless of reason. She has supported a political party whose primary goal is to secede from the US. She does not want s*x ed taught in public schools. She wants creationism taught in public schools. She believes that the Iraq War is a "task given from God." She thinks that God wanted the State of Alaska to build a gas pipeline to the Lower 48. She does not believe in the separation of church and state.

    Then we get into her scandals which although are none of our business are in direct contrast to her beliefs of "family values," although she apparently feels those topics are open for her politicizing.

    Obama on the other hand is against what the Republicans have done with the government for the past 8 years.

  7. lipstick?

    and obama may not have greater experience but he has better ideas.

  8. One has great judgement: Palin

    One has very poor judgment: Obama

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