
What is the difference between Wholesale and retail in India? Can Indian give me a detailed explanation?

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What is the difference between Wholesale and retail in India? Can Indian give me a detailed explanation?




  1. Wholesale – Only one product will be for sale at store and should purchase it in bulk. You can get great offers if you buy more than the wholesaler expectation. You can negotiate the price of the product too.

    Retail – You can get all products at one store. These retailers will bring in the products from wholesalers in bulk and sell it in less quantity to the final customers. Here you cannot negotiate the price as the retailer will have bought the product for a particular price from the wholesaler.

    Both wholesale and retail are middle ware for the producer and the customer as well.

    The chain is:-

    Producer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Customer.

    Producer can act as wholesaler and retailer sometimes. Wholesaler can act as retailer too.

  2. hey generally retail means sale of small units and lesser frequency.  Generally a retailer has a margin of 25% minimum it can climb upto 50% or more too.  A wholesaler has the advantage of volume so he is generally happy with sub 10% margin.  He wants faster rotation of cash.  It is prudent if he is able to earn 5 % and roll over his cash 5 times a month.  Whereas retailer is happy if he is able to roll over once a month because of his margin.  Are you writing a thesis then get in touch with me. LOL

  3. WHOLESALE: Any goods being sold in bulk quantity.

    For example take Soap cake. One pack contains 5 Dozens.A wholesaler will sell it in its original pack the entire quantity of 5 Dozens.The wholesale rate will always be less than the retail price of the goods.

    RETAIL: Where as at a retail store you can buy just one soap cake from the dealer.

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