
What is the difference between Workmans' Comp and State Disability?

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I have been going to a Workers Comp Dr. My office is closing a a couple of days, if the Dr. does not sign my disability papers because he thinks I can still work, would I get paid anything from Wrokman's Comp?




  1. Workers comp pays medical bills, and a percentage of lost wages subject to a deductible, if you were injured at work and are unable to work for a while, due to a work related injury.  State disability pays a percentage of lost wages, if you are unable to work for a health related reason, REGARDLESS of whether or not it is work related.

    In either case, a doctor must tell you that you are unable to work.  So it sounds like you are not going to get paid lost wages from either workers comp or disability.

  2. Well you must have a work comp injury.  There are different scenarios for your question.

    If you are working and your doctor has you on regular return to work or back at full duty than your not going to qualify for state disability, just no unemployment benefits.

    If you are on modified duty with restrictions such as, no standing in one place for more than 20 mins or no lifting over 10 lbs than you'll qualify for temporary total disability (TTD) and not unemployement because your restrictions are preventing you from finding work with another employer.

    Say you are still off work and getting TTD and if your job happens to shut down while your on work comp disability and you cannot return back to work you could qualify for vocational rehab if your injures are enough that you can't return to that field of work.  This one is very expensive and subject to different rules of each state.

    Your coverage with work comp is still active until you are medically stationary, or reached maximum medical improvement despite your company no longer exists.

  3. You should be receiving your regular pay as if you were performing your regular jobl '

    since the first day you were injured worker's comp should have picked up immediately,

    Are you sure your company has worker comp insurance?  It is required by law, and if they don't have it, they are still responsible for all of your medical bills, including the cost of transportation to and from appointments, and special equipment needed i.e. cruches, splints, all dr visits, and your weekly pay.

    If your dr is closing soon, and has not yet determined  you are permanently diasbeled, ask them to set you up with another doctor so you can continue your treatment. without interuption.

    Also all your perscriptions shoud have been paid for by workers compe.

    Go ahead a get all you papers filled out for your SSI as it can take up to two years to get.  Get copies of all your exrays, and get a copy of your medical file from the doc that is leaving. that is very important.  Even thos her will send copies to your new doc.

    workers Comp is a temporary fill in while you are out of work, and they are hoping to get you healed up and bacdk to work as soon as possible/ as this a ma jor losss for the company.

    zlook out for yourself in this as no one else will.  Best of luck to you.,  Jackie b

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