
What is the difference between a Wahabi and a Sunni?

by Guest61974  |  earlier

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What is a wahabi any way.

Shias answer my question in a Civilized manner that means no insults.




  1. Their are three type of people in this world, it does not matter what or who they follow>>>>>> the hypocrite, non-believer and believers. Anymore questions?

  2. I totally agree with Gloria!

    Bin Laden & the Taliban are actually in conflict with the main stream Wahabis of Saudi Arabia. The founder of the Wahabis is the Sunni scholar Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab. He decided to reform the Muslims around him in Arabia. With the help of Ibn Saud, the founder of Saudi Arabia the Wahabi movement had spread but also clashed with different groups of Muslims.

  3. Assalamu Alaikum.

    Brother, why don't we think in a middle way. We are Ummathan Wasathan. People who follows the mid path.  I see some people go into extreme to call some Muslim as Wahhabis and spies of the British. While I see some who are on the other side calling rest of Muslims to be deviated and Mushriks. What's worse than to think a brother praying beside you who in sujood is saying "Glory be to the One Lord Most high" to be a Mushrik...May Allah protect us from those who think and say ill of this Ummah and devide one another. And what's worse than to think all Saudi scholars and others taken the teaching of Abdul Wahhab (R.A) to be deviated. The truth is that whoever is guided by Allah is guided. It's not necessary that all who follow a Mazhab to be guided to what's truth. Allah guides whom He wills. It is our wrong belief that in order for us to enter paradise, others have to removed out. So we judge people according to Holy Quran and the Sunnah and not by teachings of someone or their school of thought.  

    When Sheikh Abdul Rahman Sudais (the Imam of Grand Mosque in Makkah) was in Pakistan, thousands gathered to pray behind this Imam. He is also a scholar who has memorized Holy Quran and learned Islamic lessons at very centers of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh and at Ummul Quraa. But he and many scholars and many followers are not as we think to be calling bad or reject rest of Muslims for their minor differences.  So basically, Wahhabi is a term created by the British and not  Abdul Wahhab (R.A). Just read his history through proper channels and you would know he was just a reformist that's all.  But it is true that one may not agree with all the teachings of a scholar and dis-agree with many. He was from the Hanbali school of thought but was against blind following of any Mazhab. If we look back to our Imams it is their opinion also the same. Imam Shafee (R.A) said, this is my opinion and if you find something more authentic to than mine, take what's authentic.

    So I believe we all must follow a central way when saying about a group who are striving for Islam.

    In one of the lectures I heard Shaikh Salih Uthaimeen (R.A) of Saudi Arabia say, while he was in Meena during Hajj, people of different people came to him and all of them said one another to be 'Kaafirs' about the other groups. and he was saying it was all differences of Masayil and without any major difference of Aqeedah. See the situation of Ummah now.

    At a time when Islam and Muslims are attacked from all corners, we are worried about labels. Allah promises success for those who believe in Him and follow His beloved messenger (pbuh). Those who cling to His rope and follow the best example of Rasoolullah and practice it. A Sunni is those who follow the Sunnah of Rasoolullah and not those who go against it.  May Allah unite all Muslimoon upon what's truth.

  4. Holy Prophet (s) saying,

    "To remove mutual enmity, ill-feeling and hatred is better than recommended prayers and fasting".

  5. Some Sunnies r people who can get along with shias, they make friends with them, eat with them & some don't mind getting their kids married to Shias,Although that is not how it should be.

    Wahabies detest Shai's & would throw away Shias given food & never make friend with them coz they no their reality.

    Wahabism: is a group started by sheikh Mohammad ibn Abdul Wahab in Jazeerah Al arabiyah based on pure Aqeedah & to finish this ummah with Khrafaat that is going on Like bidahs & grave worshipping.

  6. Wahabism is a conservative reformist call of Sunni Islam attributed to Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an 18th century scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who advocated a return to the practices of the first three generations of Islamic history.

    Wahhabism is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia and Qatar,[1]. It is often referred to as a "sect"[1] or "branch"[2] of Islam, though both its supporters and its opponents[3] reject such designations.


    Sunnah (سنة) literally means “trodden path”, and therefore the sunnah of the prophet means “the way of the prophet”. Terminologically, the word ‘Sunnah’ in Sunni Islam means those religious actions that were instituted by the Islamic prophet Muhammad during the 23 years of his ministry and which Muslims initially received through consensus of companions of Muhammad (Sahaba), and further through generation-to-generation transmission. According to some opinions, the sunnah in fact consists of those religious actions that were initiated by Abraham and were only revived by Muhammad.

  7. sunni= a muslim who doesn't bash shia

    wahabi= a muslim who does



    this is what i see here from shia,the moment a muslim attack them,he's a wahabi :P

  8. No difference ...

    and wahabi word is a myth

    read here

    a Sunni who is normal person and not very religious

    a Salafi  who is religious ...

    be aware that sunni word used by many people like Qadiyanis Jilanis Qadiriya (Sufis)..

  9. Just for the record: We Shia do not insult.

    Wahab i=

    Sunni =

    Wahhabi  =  Is a member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia. "Osama bin Laden" is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim. That is why many Wahabis are extremists ...

    How have I insulted anyone? =0

  10. For shias all muslims who follow Abu Bakr (ra) has no difference ,

    As Written in their books :

    Abu Bakr is kafir and the one who loves Abu Bakr is also kafir.

    (Haq-ul-yaqeen, page #690, Baqar majlisi).

    Abu Bakr was kafir and Zandeeq.

    (Kashf-ul-asrar, page #69, khamini).

    AS all muslim (Which ever sect ) Loves Abu Bakr (RA),so has a same status.

    Shias main problem is Abu Bakr & Umar (RA) , As we cant leave loving them shias can not tolerate us.

    Their Khomaini said :

    Their khomaini said :


    "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

    (Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, while addressing a message for a youth rally).

    Khomeinism and Islam,

    page 8 by Abu Rehan Farooqi

    Above statement also proves My POV

  11. Sunni= any one following the Four madhabs maliki,hanafi,shafie',hanbali

    and in aqeedah matureedi,asahairi

    Shia= jaafriyah,ismaili,zaydi,

    then sufis or tareeqats

    ibadi= off shoot of khawarij

    wahhabi= not a follower of particular sunni madhab and following directly to hadeeth, not fully agreed with aqeedah of madhabites.

  12. When people say so-and-so is Wahhaabi, they intend the following:

    "A follower of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab"

    According to the 'Aqeedah of Islaam, a person who is Wahhaabi should be a follower of whom? al-Wahhaab.

    Regardless, look at the insincerity of these people. If they were truthful they would say "Muhammadis" as the Shaykh they refer to is "Shaykh MUHAMMAD bin (son of) Abdul-Wahhaab" not Shaykh 'Abdul-Wahhaab, his father.

    The name was first used by the British in India years after the death of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab. Many of the indian scholars traveled to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and they learned from the scholars and began preaching Islaam again in India. This troubled the British and they spread the term "Wahhabi". The ignorant Muslims took this and used against anyone who called against Shirk and Bid'ah.

    The Rawaafidh Shee'ah have hatred towards the Shaykh because he leveled their shrines and graves where they used to worship the dead, such as in Karbala.

    From Abul-Hayyaaj al-Asadee who said: "‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib said to me: 'Shall I not send you for what the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) sent me? That you deface all statues and pictures and that you level all elevated graves.'" Related by Muslim (3/61), Aboo Daawood (3/70), an-Nisaa‘ee (1/285) and others.

    Excerpt from The "Wahhabi" Myth:

    The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."


    Saddaam Hussain was a Ba'athist during his rule of 'Iraaq. He was not even within the fold of Islaam according to some of the Major Scholars such as Shaykh ibn Baaz. Ba'athism is Kufr Akbar.

    And "Bash shee'ah" is not an attribute of anyone. But rather it's from the Manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah to refute the Deviant groups and warn from them.

  13. The primary doctrine of Wahhabism is Tawhid, or the uniqueness and unity of God.

    Sunni, word means follower of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

  14. i just get confused with all of the different unpronounceable names !!!!

  15. "sunni= a muslim who doesn't bash shia".

    Really? Saddam Hussein comes to mind!

  16. Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

    Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    A Sunni is a Muslim who lives life according to the Holy Qur'an and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.  

    The term "Wahabi" is a made-up name that does not refer to any new sect or group in Islam.  The term was coined to refer to Sunni Muslims, mostly in the Arabian peninsula, who are considered more strict or traditional.  Basically, Abdallah ibn abi Wahab was a reformer in Arabia who detested the fact that many had started to fall back into the habits of disbelief.  He was a reformer, and many of his reforms live on.  He did not bring a new school of thought or a new religion or sect.  May Allah bless him for his efforts.  Usually, the term "Wahabi" is used almost as a curse word by non-Muslims or uninformed Muslims to accuse someone of being too strict or old-fashioned.  In reality, they are just "normal" Sunni Muslims, like any other Muslim who is striving to please Allah.  And Allah knows best.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  17. That is an excellent question. Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was an 18th century reformer who was at odds with the Ulama of his time, believing that they had deviated from the right path and were much into power. He basically spoke up against them and after much difficulty came into an arrangement with the al- Saud family through which each would support each other. He would give the al-Saud the religious legitimation and in return would enjoy al-Saud's protection. He was a pragmatic man.

    Anyways he spoke up against many Sunni practices- as well as Shia but his main enemies were Sunnis who did not want to lose power.

    Wahhabis, however, have received world wide attention because of the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Osama bin-Laden.

    In fact this is a very interesting subject. But if you want to educate yourself on it please rely on books and not internet links because they are biased and not accurate as the history is more complex;-)

  18. Wahhabi's are those, their mosques are sponsored by agencies, like MOSAD and CIA.

    Sunni's all collect money by self help to run their mosques.

    All Hanafi's are Sunni's and Humbli's and Shafie's are Wahhabi's.

    Ja'afri's are Shia's

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