
What is the difference between a Wormhole and a Black hole?

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What is the difference between a Wormhole and a Black hole?




  1. Black hole is something which in sucks everything, where as white whole is the one which trows out stuff sucked my black holes.

    Wormhole is the tube in between them or you can say it as the connection between black hole and white hole

  2. Wormhole leads to the some place in universe, and black hole just compress matter to a single dot.

  3. a black hole is an extremely dense ball of matter probably the size of a basketball for a super massive one and it compresses all matter. a wormhole is an area of space where neutrinos and other sub atomic particles are in such high concentrations that they can spark of and create a fold in space time and a bridge across the gap. the problem with wormholes is that they are a random occurrence and never EVER! spawn in the same place twice. it is theorized that with enough gravity that a wormhole could remain stable and in the same place for ever.

  4. Wormholes lead you somewhere. Black holes don't.

  5. There are lots of black holes---several in each galaxy.  They are an observed phenomenon.

    Wormholes are hypothetical solutions to the equations of General Relativity that must be made, in part, of material with negative energy density  (e.g. "unobtainium").  There are no known wormholes, and in fact they may be impossible.

  6. worm holes are small and a black whole sucks up things but it stays in the same place wormholes lead to a diffrent demesion

  7. Black holes exist.  They are the infinitely dense and infinitely small corpses of very large stars.  Wormholes are a mathematical fantasy and have no physical reality.  They do not exist.  Both however use the word "hole". This is a significant similarity!!!

  8. A wormhole is like a tunnel in spacetime connecting two distant points.  A blackhole is a gravitationally collapsed star from which nothing can escape.

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