
What is the difference between a baptist and a Methodist..?

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  1. Baptist get their name because they believe that once you are baptized you have secured your ticket into heaven...not!   And Methodist get their name from Wesley in Olde England, where they believe in their methods, hence if you believe in them then this will get you into heaven....not!

  2. If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Baptist Christians, you may find more answers here...

    Here is one for Methodist Christians...

  3. Depending on the brand of Baptist and Methodist her are the traditional differences.  

    1) Baptists believe in eternal security, and in some cases, predestination (once saved always saved, and God chooses those who will be saved respectively).  Also baptists believe that we are all sinners and will always sin on this earth, and we will only be saved by the grace of God.

    2) Wesslyans believe salvation can be lost, tend to deny predestination, and believe that through God's grace and the wrok of the holy spirit the faithful can experience a second blessing in which they are totally sanctified in this life.

    Some methodists practice infant baptism most baptists do not.

  4. Thirty nine and three quarters gallons of creek water.

  5. Methodists usually sit still in church.

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