
What is the difference between a basal thermometer and a regular one?

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My hubby and I are having trouble getting pregnant. I heard that you can detect ovulation by a temperature change using a basal thermometer. I priced them at the drugstore, and they are about three times as much as a regular thermometer. What is the difference between them? Shouldn't they work the same?




  1. The basal thermometer is a lot more sensitive.  So you will be able to detect even an ever so slight variation in your temperature, which will help you when you are charting ovulation.

  2. If it's an old fashioned mercury thermometer, the basal ones have larger number and are easier to read. (They are broken down by .1 degree rather than .2.)

    But if it's a digital one, it doesn't matter. All digital thermoters give a reading to .1 degrees -- so buy whichever is cheapest.  

  3. any thermometer that can read down to 0.1 degree is okay to use

  4. There is nothing special about a basal thermometer, except that you can read down to 0.1 of a degree.  Any thermometer that allows you to measure in 0.1s of degrees should work for you.  

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