
What is the difference between a bee, a wasp, a yellow jacket, and a hornet?

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I know they are not all the same, but I don't quite know what the difference is. Someone else asked me, but perhaps someone here could explain better. Include the species name if you can.




  1. a bee if it stings you it dies a wasp will sting you once and fly away a hornet could contiously sting you and a yellow jacket is a smaller bee.

  2. Bees are closely related to wasps.  Bees feed on nectar and pollen, and are a big part of pollenating flowers. They have two sets of wings.  There are two main types of wasps, solitary and social wasps.  Solitary live alone.  Social make nests.  Yellow jackets are a type of wasp.  And hornets are a large type of wasp.  However, there are different types of each, some being aggressive and some more gentle.

  3. Yellowjackets are among the smallest of the group of stinging insects.

    On basis of their nest: A paper nest can be built by hornets, paper wasps and yellowjackets, but the yellowjacket nest is usually not visible.

    This nest is usually underground but their are many cases where these insects have built nests above ground in the wall voids of homes.

    u may also refer to


    beautifully explained!!

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