
What is the difference between a blown head gasket and cracked cylinder? Thanks in advance.

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My 98 Dodge dakota is currently in need of repair and I was told be a mechanic that is was either a blown head gasket or cracked cylinder. The engine is shaking horribly and gray smoke is coming out of the tail pipe.




  1. Your engine is probably toast bud.  Let me guess, your engine overheated.  It got so hot that whether the gasket between the engine head and engine block blew out, and possibly you cracked the cylinder in the block because of the temp.  It won't be cheap, but you need to get a mechanic to take the heads off and check both the head and block and you probably will need a new engine.  Sorry.  That really sucks.  Because of the smoke, it sounds like your engine is gone.  Might start checking around for a rebuild.  

  2. alot of difference! a gasket you can replace and a cracked cylinder, you have to get another block.

  3. a head gasket is between the block and the head (where your valves are)

    if that is blown it is not easy to fix but do-able

    if the head is cracked they have to machine it down past the crack and then replace the head gasket, which is a bigger deal

    you may even possibly need a new head.

  4. A blown head gasket can be repaired by simply replacing the head gaskets. If you have a cracked cylinder you will need a new engine. If you have a cracked cylinder head you can replace the head with a used one. Either way you will need new head gaskets.  

  5. Blown head gaskets happen and are fixable. Cracked cylinders are almost unknown and almost never worth fixing. He probably meant cracked head. You can fix those, but I wouldn't bother. A re-manufactured head would be a lot better.

    You'll need to pull the head in any case, and then you can see what's wrong. If the motor was already old and worn out it probably wouldn't be a great idea to start pouring money into it. A factory rebuilt would only cost about $1500.

  6. gray smoke tells me that you do not have a problem with the combustion chamber integrity. it sounds like you are getting too much fuel. you could have a leaking injector. i would go for a second opinion on this one. a head gasket or cracked block would be signified by white smoke. black or gray means too much fuel. blue is oil leaking into the cylinder.  

  7. Gasket fixable > Crack isn't> Pull the plugs out fine water on 1 thats the side pull the head and you will know> Gasket> couple hundred and your going>

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