
What is the difference between a broadsword and a longsword?

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I am really interested in the Middle Ages, and this question is killing me. I know that a longsword could be used with one or two hands depending on the strength of the person and the use of a shield or not. However, I don't know what the difference is between it and a broadsword. Looking at them in games, they seem to be about the same. Can anybody help?




  1. The long sword was used for slashing  enemies because it was usually lighter and sharper. The broadsword was used for a crushing strike, to kill enemies with chain mail usually.

  2. according to chinese martial arts, a longsword can be used efficiently, lightweight and easy to handle your enemies because it cuts at both sides. however, a broadsword is heavy and only cuts on one side, the other side is blunt. if correctly used, a broadsword can give heavy damage, just like slicing your piece of pork chop with a big kitchen knife.

  3. A broad sword is a generalization that covers several differnt types of sword. A Long sword is always a European two handed sword used in the 13th to 17th centuries.

  4. If I remember my Medieval history correctly, the Broadsword was the chosen side-arm of the Landed Gentry or Noblemen of England.

    Although the Scotts used a 'broadsword' of sorts, this was commonly called a 'Claymore' and was much heavier than its English counterpart.

    The English Broadsword was a double bladed weapon each with a tempered cutting edge and weighed [depending on the maker] between two or five pounds.

    The sword measured roughly 30 to 50 inches - again depending on the swordsmith with the blade between 2 to 3.5 inches at the hilt and it tapered to a very strong point.

    The Broadsword was used to slice and cut at an opponent [especially from horseback] and, in the right hands, was capable of severing a mans head from his body.

    The Long or Bastardsword was a tremendous weapon for dismounted knights often called 'Men-At-Arms'

    In Medieval times these Men-At-Arms were, more often than not, the Nobleman's Bodyguard or could be used as 'elite' shock troops to smash their way through ranks of lightly protected or un-armoured archers.

    The sword itself was very heavy - usually weighing in at 10 lbs. Because it was so heavy, it required two hands to hold it.

    The 'Med-At-Arms' had one advantage over a mounted or dismounted knight - he had a tremendously long reach and could, more often than not, foil an attacker.

    There was another sword which was a cross between a Broadshord and a Longsword. This was called a 'Greatsword' and had twin cutting edges and the blade measured an astonishing 6 feet in length with a handle measuring a further 12 to 15 inches.

    It weighed about the same as the Longsword and was used in the same manner, by cutting and slicing at an enemy.

    Here's a link to some pictures of replicas that you may purchase:

  5. I believe a broad sword is a wide category of swords that includes long swords, b*****d swords, and long, single handed swords like spathas. A long sword is a more specific category of two handed swords.  

  6. Whatever the middle ages white guy in question felt he had to compensate for.

  7. A Long Sword is the kind with a big two handed grip, and a long blade sometimes up to 6 feet long, although the largest example are usually reckoned to be no more than ceremonial weapons. A broad sword usually refers t a sword with a grip only big enough for one hand. A b*****d sword is an in between weapon also known as a hand and a half sword which can be used with both hands or one handed, whichever the situation demands. The smalest medieval swords weighed about 2 pound the largest around 5 pounds, anything heavier is reckoned to be ceremonial or ornamental.

    Broad sword was not a a term used in medieval times, it is a term developed in later centuries to distinguish it from the more narrow bladed weapons like the Rapier that came into use during this time. People today usually use the term Great sword to refer to a two hander but in medieval time it seems to be used for anything larger than a short sword.

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