
What is the difference between a crimson king maple and a japanese maple?

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What is the difference between a crimson king maple and a japanese maple?




  1. You can tell the difference by looking at how dissected (cut) the lobes of the leaf are and the number of teeth:

    crimson king is long and broad with 5 lobes with the sinuses cut less than 1/2 way to the midvein and there are usually only a few, coarse teeth along the edge of the leaf:  

    Japanese maple is usually smaller, and may have more than 5 lobes; the sinuses are much more deeply cut, and there are many teeth along the edge:

  2. black maple has always been my favorite.  king crimson is an excellent band from england.  across the pond if you may.

  3. HI  there. I'd like to help you with this question.

    let's first start with a description of each kind:

    Crimson King Maple:

    it is a cultivar of the Norway Maple. It's Characteristics are the same with the Norway Maple, except that the leaves and its fruit are Crimson Purple, while the Norway Maple is Green.

    It is also Widely used for its very dense foliage and rich maroon leaf color throughout the growing season, reaches 40 to 50 feet.

    During the summer season, they retain their Purple coloring.

    Japanese Maple:

    The Japanese Maple is native to Japan, where it is very popular, and to Korea. Horticulturists brought it to the US about 1820. Over the years, nurseries in both Japan and the United States have stocked dozens of varieties of this admired tree. People commonly plant the Japanese Maple in gardens and in other places where they want an eye-catching tree.

    Now the differences according to tree part:


    The Crimson King Maple has leaves that are opposite, simple, and palmately-veined, 5 to 7 lobed with long pointed "teeth", exudes milky white sap from the petiole when detached, dark crimson purple, paler below while,

    The Japanese Maple has broad fat leaves, palamtely lobed, the notches has a "V" shaped form, with 5 to 11 lobes, with its lobes base that are narrow and long with regular teething.


    The Crimson King Maple has Widely divergent 2-winged samaras, 1 1/2 to 2 inches long in clusters, relatively flat seed cavity, mature in summer.  Crimson purple in color.

    While the Japanese Maple has paired wings which have a 60 to 90 degrees apart from each other and its winged seed is about 3/4" long.


    the Crimson King Maple has  Gray to brown, corky, on older trees shallowly furrowed with long narrow, somewhat interlacing ridges while the Japanese Maple has The bark of this tree is gray and smooth. Sometimes it grows as a shrub.

    i hope that i have helped you in on this bit of info.

    God bless!

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