
What is the difference between a degree in Zoology, Wildlife biology, and Animal behavior and ethology?

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What is the difference between a degree in Zoology, Wildlife biology, and Animal behavior and ethology?




  1. If you become a zoologist then you work with all animals.You can work in the field as a conservationist or you can work in a lab.Wildlife biologist is when you study wild animals.Animal behvior is when you study the behavior of animal like how they communicate how they feed etc.Ethology is the same as animal behavorist but it's a branch of zoology.

  2. Zoology is a core science degree where you will study the physiology, anatomy, taxonomy, ecology of animals.  In Wildlife Biology you will focus on animals of human importance and take a bunch of management and policy courses as well.  Animal Behavior/Ethology includes a number of psychology and training courses.

    If you want to continue on with studies and do research with animals, zoology is probably the best choice.  If you're thinking of doing more applied work like with government agencies, then Wildlife Biology might be better.  If you are thinking of working with captive animals, then Animal Behavior might better serve you.  But, in the vast majority of instances, the specific degree matters very little when it comes to getting a job.  If you have the basic necessary courses and, most importantly, some experience, the words on the diploma aren't paid much attention to.

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