
What is the difference between a flat standing martingale and a running martingale? What is used in hunters?

by Guest64111  |  earlier

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What can you use on the flat AND over fences at shows and at home safely? Thanks!




  1. the running martingale has two pieces of leather that go up toward the horses face... you put the reins through the loops and it can 'run' up and down the reins.  a flat standing martingale only has one piece of leather and you attach it to the horse's noseband.

    I have always used a flat standing martingale and I have only seen those used in hunters, not running martingales.  You can flat and jump in them, but at shows they don't let you show on the flat with any martingale on because it's an additional unpermitted aid.

    here's pictures

    Running martingale:

    flat standing martingale:

  2. I have always used a running martingale in jumpers and a standing in hunters. you can jump in both BUT at a show you can use either on the flat. For the hunters a standing martingale is more common.

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