
What is the difference between a full term Iraqi baby and an aborted fetus?

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Too often have i encountered people who claim to be Christian that will gladly tell you how happy they are that we invaded Iraq/Afghanistan- et cetera. Yet when asked about their stance on abortion they will instantly tell me how wrong the murder of an innocent baby is. If you are a Christian who believes that we are correct to go to war (for whatever reason- even a good one), yet you are against abortion. I would really like to hear how you rationalize this. Please note that i did not say "all" Christians. Quite often though i have encountered people who claim to be Christian tow this exact line of thought.




  1. The difference is intent. Abortion is the intentional murder of a baby. We did not go to war for the purpose of killing babies. You can use this charged language if you want, but it is dumb.

    Most of the suicide bombings in Iraq are done by MUSLIMS to MUSLIMS. Babies included.

  2. I'm against the war, but I do support our troops.

  3. Ah, yes. Where exactly does the "sanctity of life" argument enter into war, one of the leading causes of death? Apparently, we get to choose what life is sacred and what is not. *sarcasm*

  4. Question: "What is the difference between a full term Iraqi baby and an aborted fetus?"

    Answer: Well, 50,000+ Iraqi's (many of them parents of Iraqi babies) agreed to and assisted in the invasion of their own country right along with us and I've not yet heard of even one aborted baby that's agreed to or assisted in it's own abortion. Have you?

  5. Very horrible crimes are commited in these invaded countries! For those who support these wars are among the killers too!

    If not what will be their excuses?..... "The media"?

  6. You present a horrifying and simultaneously compelling agument...

  7. I think god is allowing all this killing of the innocent to go on like it is because he needs his number to fill Heaven and there arent any good people left in the world to do it so he needs the babies. SAD

  8. My heart truly weeps when I think of all of those children, born into a world of violence they know nothing about.  I can't even stand to imagine what must be going through their young minds.  I hate it.  I truly hate it.  And I'm no fan of this war at ALL...... not by a long shot.    <")))><

  9. Shucks........I thought I was going to get a punchline to a joke.

  10. I was and am for the invasion of Iraq and I'm pro choice.

    LOL, I was expecting a joke also

  11. And another question is, what is the difference between fetus resulting from rape, that it's ok to "murder" them?  I have never understood this line of thinking from the pro-life mobs.

  12. for ppl killed in mid-east you gotta blame the terrorists not the christians of course,

    i think your argument is wrong

  13. Phil, as a one time soldier, I am about as anti-war as rational person could be. And I am about as liberal socially as any decent human being should be.  That said I am no pacifist.  The world should have come to gether to oust Saddam hussein for his crimes against humanity, forget US motives (Oil? Regional influence?).

    As a liberal anti-war non pacifist I have to say I am happy for Iraq that somebody removed that scum from power.

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