
What is the difference between a greenhouse and a glasshouse?

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What is the difference between a greenhouse and a glasshouse?




  1. Nothing

    SOme call in differant names

    American = Glasshouse

    British = Greenhouse

    Hope i helped x

  2. nothing other then what your doing with it-greenhouse would have drainage areas for water

  3. No difference at all, apart from the name.

  4. glasshouse a pub in liverpool , greenhouse home painted a sh***y colour!

  5. A greenhouse is a structure built to maintain a growing environment for  plants.  The roof and sides have to allow light to penetrate, but exclude environmental extremes.  Glass was once the only material suitable for this purpose, so glasshouse and greenhouse were pretty much synonymous.  A greenhouse can be covered (or glazed) now with clear polyethylene, fiberglass, or polycarbonate, which have ultraviolet decomposition inhibitors included in the polymer.  Some people might still use the term glasshouse for one of these greenhouses, out of habit.  

    A couple of other terms you might hear, are shade house screen house or slat house where the structure is covered with shade cloth or wooden slats, to provide shade without excluding rain, cold, etc..  The term conservatory is an older term, usually meaning a greenhouse attached to a home, or used in a botanical garden.

  6. Glasshouse is a prison,, Greenhouse is for growing plants,,

  7. a greenhouse is 4 growing plants and a glasshouse is not 4 throwing rocks at.. maybe its just that the greenhouse has plastic on it, but producing the same..

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