
What is the difference between a hardtail and a softtail chopper? I see ads on eBay with the exact same frame

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listed at both softtail and hardtail.

I always thought a hardtail was no rear suspension in the back, and a softie had suspension. What is the real difference?




  1. Your are correct

  2. Yup hardtail is predominately chosen for styling, building a hardtail does allow a few  variations on the back end that can't be achieved with a soft tail, although as I said it's mainly aesthetics. Choose one that suits your lifestyle, road surfaces and age of your spine!!LOL  seriously a hardtail on british roads hurts, you will adopt a permanent grimace on your face! Softies can be built in a way that the actual suspension is hidden and gives the impression of a hardtail, if that is what you want, but don't like too much pain. Another way to get around it is with a hardtail, have fitted a big superior tyre able to be run at a low pressure to glean as much "give" as possible, and also fit a good sprung seat, not as effective as a proper suspension system, but better than nothing. Unless you live in an area where the roads are pot hole, drain cover, etc. free. and you have a great spinal assembly!

  3. A hard tail has no rear suspension where a softtail has a hidden rear suspension

  4. you pretty much answered it yourself.herdtail =no rear suspension.softtail=shocks.

  5. You are right on the $$.  Hardtail = a rigid / hard ride.....some people like that.

  6. Some soft tail designs have hidden suspension links and the shocks and springs are not easily visible. They appear to be hard tails.

      Some times a suspension link to the rear hub can be added to a hard tail frame. This is old school.

    Hard tail no suspension soft tail suspension.

  7. DING! DING! DING! You are right! Same frame but the rear tire has been adjusted with or without suspension to either be firm (hardtail) or flexible (softtail)! No major difference, just depending on what you prefer and your way of riding!

  8. A hard tail has no rear suspension at all, a Softail has tthe shocks for the rear suspension underneath the bike( straight down from your butt) and running paralel with the bike. the tires have nothing to do with it, and their are no springs Proud owner of 3 of them. I don't know where toeknee came up with the tire stuff. By the way HD is the only company that make Softails. It' the name of the bike model.

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