
What is the difference between a human genetics class...

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and a regular genetics class, and which one should I take if I am a biology major, planning on medical school?




  1. For med school, I suggest Human genetics; however, if you are lucky enough to become a molecular biologist, then general genetics would also be appropriate.


  2. If I were you, I would take which ever one offers a lab in addition to the lecture.  There is nothing in the world that can substitute for the experience you get when you are engaged in a hands-on lab.  If both offer a lab then go with the human genetics.

  3. I know of no biology program where general genetics is NOT a pre-requisite for Human genetics.

  4. In a regular genetics class, you will perform mutagenic and test cross experiments on fruit flies (Drosophila).

    In human genetics, I guarantee that you will NOT perform mutagenic and test cross experiments on humans (Homo sapiens sapiens).

  5. A human genetics class focuses on the genetics specific to humans.  You'll spend a lot of time talking about cancer and genetic diseases.

    A regular genetics class is more broad.  There will be more discussion of bacterial genetics, GM technology, etc.  However, in most general genetics courses there is significant discussion of human genetics as well.

    You should look at the course descriptions in your course catalog though, because it may be that the regular genetics course is a pre-requisite for human genetics or it may be that the human genetics course at your institution is a more applied course with less detail.  (Sort of like a genetics for non-scientists.)

    If you're planning on medical school, your best choice is to have a solid understanding of how genetics works, so take whichever seems the most rigorous (or take both).  You'll get more specific education on medical genetics in med school.

  6. Take the more general genetics class so that you understand the processes of genetics.  You will have human genetics in medical school.

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