
What is the difference between a lion and a tiger?

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im 16 and still don't know!!!




  1. a lion has a big, huge furry mane thingy and a tiger doesn't. also a tiger is a female, a lion is a male

  2. They are two different animals.

    That's the difference.

  3. tigers are the stripey ones

  4. TGERS live in india and siberia

    live in the jungles and snowy regions

    are solitary

    orange/white w/ black stripes

    no mane

    tony the tiger(frosted flakes)


    live in groups called prides

    communicate in low bellows with family

    males have manes

    no stripes

    generally golden brown

    live in africa and are extinct in middle east

    LionKing(disney movie)


    are large cats

    can climb trees nap during the day

    hunt at night


  5. There's loadsa differences - they live in different places, lions hunt mainly in groups, tigers have stripes, male lions have manes.... and so on....

  6. Tiger's have stripes and lions don't plus they are from different parts of the world.

  7. One has stripes and the other doesn't.One lives on the African plains while one lives more in the jungle.Tigers are climbers more than lions are.The female lions do the hunting because they live in groups called prides and the male lion usually eats first where as tigers are loners and only hook up when the female is in heat.Hope this helps...and Grace better look them both up as lions and tigers do not mate so they both have males and females.

  8. A lion is beige/light brown with no markings and a mane of red hair around its face and a tuft of fur on the tip of its tail if it is male, no mane or tuft if it is female.

    A tiger is black, orange, and white striped with a very small mane of white fur around its head regardless if it is male or female.

  9. other than th fact that theyre both cats, they have nothing in common. theyre 2 different animals.

    a tiger

    a lion



  10. Have you ever seen them?


    Theyre orange (or sometimes white) with blackish brown stripes.


    They have a big fluffy mane and are a yellowish mustardy color.

  11. Well first of all, they are closely related and they're both the largest members of the cat family.

    First the tiger.   Tiger are easily identified by their black and orange stripes.  Like most cats, tigers are solitary, except during mating and when the mothers are raising their cubs, but unlike most felines tigers love the water and are very good swimmers.   Tigers are found only in Asia.  

    Next, the lion.  The lion is the second largest member of the cat family.   Lions are found mainly in Africa.  A small population of Asiatic lions are found in the Gir Forest of India.   Adult males are easily recognized by thier manes.   Females are smaller and have no manes.  Both male and female have no stripes.   Unlike all other cats, lions lives in a group called a pride, which is usually consist of one male lion and female lions which are all related.  

    Just remember that tigers have stripes and lions do not.   In fact lions have neither stripes nor spots.  The mane of a lion is good way to distinguish it from the tiger.  And yes both species have known to interbreed in captivity,  not in the wild.

  12. Stripes

  13. tiger has stripes, and live in forest like in Asia , i vietnam too

    and I think lion lives in Africa lives in dessert. and lion look cuter than tiger, but they are both scary animals :))

  14. Tigers have stripes and live alone, Lions live in Prides and are tannish and the Male Lion has a large Main and the females do all the hunting

    these people don't know what they are talking about Lions are in India also, they aren't as big as the African Lion though

  15. They are closely enough related that they can breed; the results are "ligers" and "tions" depending on whether the lion is the father or mother.

  16. lions live in africa, are light brown and the males have a darker mane around their necks.

    tigers live in russia and asia and are orangey brown with black stripes.



  17. lions have manes (like the lion king) and tigers have stripes (like tony the tiger)

  18. Genetically speaking, they are very close and have mated in the past producing offspring called ligers. Ligers grow to be considerably larger than their parents. Tigers and lions are two separate distinct species of large cats. Tigers are at home in the water and enjoy swimming whereas lions do not.

  19. Umm..physically you can tell!

    Dude get outta here T-T

    Get the animal zoo book!


    Golden colored

    Male lions have big manes, amber brown colored o_O

    Live usually in Africa

    Have a long thin tail with a hairs on the tips


    Orange with black stripes

    Little manes with some white fur but not as big as the lion's

    Have a long thin tail w/o hairs on the tips

    Live usually around Asia

  20. they look different and their habitats are different.. however, they are part of the same species which is why they are able to produce fertile offspring like a "liger" or a "ligon"

  21. well a tiger has stripes  and a lion doesnt... and they have different teeth and they look different its not really that hard to tell..

  22. they...........have different names?

  23. They are two different animals. Tigers are usually orange in color and have black stripes. They can often be found in different places to lions. Lions are usually a plain golden-brown color, and the males have large mains of hair. Lions generally have larger heads.

  24. They are entirely different species. The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest of all cats, weighing up to 660lb, and is native to Asia. It has a deep orange coat patterned with vertical black stripes. Apart from mothers with cubs, it is a solitary animal, males and females coming together only to mate.

    The lion (Panthera leo) is the second largest of the cats, weighing up to 550lb. The vast majority of lions live in Africa, though there is a small population of Asiatic lions in the Gir Forest of India. Lions are a uniform tawny colour, without markings (except in cubs, which have faint spots for camouflage. These fade as they age). They have a tuft at the end of the tail, and males have a thick mane of fur around the neck - this makes him appear larger and more intimidating to rivals, and more attractive to females, and protects his throat during fights. Lions are the only truly social cats, living in groups called prides.

    Here is a tiger image:

    Here is a pair of lions (female in front, male behind):

  25. a lion is that fluffy large carnivorous animal like simba in lion king

    the tiger is the one with stripes , the one that Dr.Doolittle saved on the movie

    they belong to the same family:Felidae it's the cat family that's why they look alike

    I hope I helped

  26. They both live in different places....

    They look different ....

    And eat  different animals

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