
What is the difference between a "fard" and a "wajib"?

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It seems they both mean obligatory? Could some one clear this up for me please?




  1. farz meaning is duty and wajib mean you have to do that  both are same

  2. Fardh is compulsory. A person who denies or rejects a Fardh will technically become a Kafir (although we are not to label anybody as such).

    Wajib is also something compulsory, although of a slightly lesser degree than Fardh. The person who denies this will not become a Kaafir, but will be a Faasiq (flagrant sinner).

  3. fard =wajib=obligation

  4. “Waajib according to the Ahnaaf is a stage that is between the Fardh and Sunnah . The difference between a fardh and a Waajib is that the Fardh is from Daleel qat3i (absolute proof) and Waajib from daleel dhanni (not an absolute proof). As for acting upon them they are the same. However, if a fardh is denied then the person will be declared a kaafir and if a Waajib is denied he is a Faasiq. This has been used by the shafi’ee and the hanaabila in the masaail of hajj but as for the other masaail it is the same to the other three madhaahib.”Wallahu ‘Alim

  5. its all explained here ,in full detail;...

  6. they are same

    may be you mean fard and sunnah

    they are different fard you must do like prayer sunnah like omrah if you donot do it it is ok

  7. They're both the same thing. They are synonyms of one another. Both mean "a religious duty."

  8. They're both the same concept, unless you follow the Hanafi madhab. According to Hanafis denying something that is a fard makes you a non-Muslim and denying something that is wajib simply makes you a sinner.

  9. Sunnis are confused. They made up these two imaginary things.

    They are the same

  10. wajib is the term in hadith books

    what ever The Commands and Laws written in Glorious Quran,are Fard..

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