
What is the difference between a rubber whisk and a wire whisk?

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What is the difference between a rubber whisk and a wire whisk?




  1. a rubber or silicon-coated wisk can be used in a nonstick pan without risk of damaging the bottom of the pan.  its surface will be easier to clean, as food will be less likely to stick.

    a wire wisk may be sturdier when making thicker mixtures and can be used in non-coated pans.

    whichever you choose, i recommend looking for a model that has a comfort-grip handle and is one-piece construction, rather than the cheap kind that has a wire-wrapped handle.  it's worth the extra $2-3 to buy a wisk you'll enjoy using!

  2. one is rubber and one is wire.

  3. rubber for non stick pans

    wire for all other pans/bowls, etc.

    I have both and love both.

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