
What is the difference between a sanitary napkin and a tampon?

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  1. You stic one side you and one under you

  2. A tampon is inserted into the v****a using a smooth plastic applicator and has a string connected to the bottom of it for removal, when its inside of you the cotton absorbs the blood and swells.A Sanitary napkin aka a pad is simply an absorbent pad that you stick to your panties and it soaks up the blood. I f your asking this because your trying to decide which option to choose, i'd say a tampon is best! They are way more comfortable, you cant even feel it...but with a pad its so gross because the blood is so visible and ew its just gross trust me!

  3. There are many brands of sanitary napkins, or pads from Kotex, carefree, Always etc. They range in size and absorption depending on your need. All come with an adhesive tape-like strips on the back that are covered with a paper strip which you remove then place the tape against your underwear in the middle so that the pad sits under your v****a. Pads range from a pantyliner which is very thin and is meant for every day discharge or a very light flow to a more absorbent maxi-pad. the packages have the information on the side such as: overnight, which would be a longer more absorbent and longer pad, to maxi thin for heavy flow, even pads with wings which are two little flaps that wrap around your underwear to help avoid leaks. A tampon comes in a cylinder with two parts and inside is an absorbent cotton plug,with a string attached to it that is inserted into your v****a the bottom of the inserter is pushed upward which will deposit the tampon out of the tube and into your v****a where it will soak up the flow. They need to be removed every few hours by pulling the string and the tampon will slide out and need to be replaced with a fresh one. These also come in a variety of sizes from light to super, again, it depends on how much of a flow you are experiencing. It is recommended to use the smallest absorption that you need. Many women use a pad in addition to a tampon as a back up in case of leaks. Girls just starting out on their periods usually start with pads as the flow is lighter than when you get older. There are some great books available to learn more such as Ourbodies Ourselves.

  4. The napkin or pad is placed in your underwear. A tampon is inserted into the v****a. If you need pictures try google.

  5. you are a curious dumb ***

    how old are you?

  6. A sanitary napkin is basically a pad that is placed in your underwear.  A tampon is tube shaped and inserted into the v****a.

  7. ewwww- they like almost the same- and how old r u even? google it.

  8. Wikipedia can help you, or google. And don't forget, there is something like a menstrual cup as well.,

  9. Sanitery napkin is a pad that sticks to your underwear, like always. Tampons go inside of your v****a like tampax pearl

  10. tampons are to be inserted in the whole of v****a whereas sanitary napkins are for external use.

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