
What is the difference between a structural forumula and molecular formula?

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  1. well wish i could draw you a picture :P .. a molecular formula is like   H20 a structural formula would have   two  H's connected to  one  O  and it would show the valence electron s  and the bonds beteween the element. i will try to draw it

    -H     H-

         \   /



  2. ill have to take a guess stuctural formula is a base of different chemicals to form a structure and a molecular is a formula based on molicules and a DNA strand from a human cell

  3. The molecular formula simply tells the elements along with the number of each element using subscripts.

    C2H5OH is the molecular formula of ethanol

    The structural formula shows what is connected to what, so to speak.

    The following is (sort-of) the structural formula






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