
What is the difference between a university major and minor?

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I'm going into grade 12, and coming up to University application time. The only thing is, I have no clue how university works, and the guidance counselors at my school don't have the time to sit down with me and explain things to me, so I don't know what a mastors, major, minor, bachelor, undergraduate, or anything means.




  1. Major is what you'll be focusing on studying for the next 4-5 years of college. A minor is something you focus on studying as well but not as important as your major.

    For example, let's say I want to major in Economics and minor in Chinese. When I graduate, I would have learned a lot about Economics and maybe pursue a job dealing with Economics. My minor in Chinese is just showing that I emphasized my studies on the culture and language however it is not my main focus.

    A undergraduate is a person who has not graduated from college yet but is a current student. When the person has graduated, he/she will obtain a degree called the Bachelor's Degree (there are different ones like B.A, B.S). When a graduate wants to continue school, he/she will go to graduate school (it's like going to middle school to high school) and will pursue a Master's Degree.

    If you have any more questions, you can email me. Your counselors should get fired. They are being paid to help their students, not sit around on their asses. You definitely need to complain. Also, ask your teachers if you want to learn. Also, check out a school you're interested in and call them up to make a appointment with someone. They would be glad to help you learn all of this.

  2. It really comes down to the number of courses/credits for each.  The most courses go toward the major, of course, and there are fewer for the minor.  This varies per school and department.  Most universities have "general education requirements" that all students take.  

    An undergraduate usually leads to a bachelors degree (4 years) in a major and possible minor.  Sometimes schools admit you as undeclared, and in some you declare a major.  A masters degree is what you take after your bachelors degree--graduate school.  Don't worry about that now!

    Make a list of 7-11 schools unless you are just going nearby, and consider:

    -- large school, or small or medium?

    -- private or public (what can your parents afford)?

    -- what kind of campus life do you want (a commuter school doesn't have much campus life, do you want sororities or other activities?

    -- are there special programs you might want (debate? study abroad?)

    Make a list and then start to narrow down the schools.  

  3. Master's is a degree you get after you get your bachelor's degree. So don't worry about it yet.

    Your major is the subject you study the most in, it's the subject you intend to try to get a job in.

    A minor is a second subject you focus in on but because you've focused less on it you're not as qualified for as many jobs as you are with your minor. Some minors go hand-in-hand with a major, practically. Like if you major in international business a good minor is a foreign language.

    An undergraduate is someone who hasn't graduated from college yet.

    Feel free to message me with any other questions.


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