
What is the difference between a virous and an infection?

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What is the difference between a virous and an infection?




  1. virus can cause an infection ....but its not always virus that causes infections.understood sweety?

  2. An infection is when an organism is in or on you and is making you ill.

    Viruses are non-living parasitic 'organisms' that can cause infections.

    Other infections can be caused by bacteria, a fungus, or a protozoa.

  3. Viruses are a subset of infections...some infections are not viral

  4. A virus is a nonliving particle composed of a protein coat and some sort of genetic information, either DNA or RNA.  They inject their genetic material into a host cell and kind of hijack the cell and make it produce more viruses.  They are not technically alive because they cannot reproduce on their own, nor do they really respond to their environment.

    An infection is when a foreign invader grows in the body, triggering an immune system response.  

    Viruses can cause infections because your body will attempt to stop the hijacking of cells.. so viruses injecting their genetic information into your cells will trigger an immune response = an infection.

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