
What is the difference between acknowledging cultural differences and racial stereotyping?

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What is the difference between acknowledging cultural differences and racial stereotyping?




  1. The difference is ignorance. It's simple. Racial stereotyping involves casting a blanket opinion over people of a certain ethnicity because you are too ignorant to actually understand or appreciate differences between cultures. It's also ethnocentric, the pathetic belief that your culture is 'better than the rest'.

  2. stereotyping is usually focused on the negative aspects of a culture, religion or race...acknowledging is accepting and enjoying the positive things that we learn from different cultures

  3. They are both extreme positions. Real people are not often stereotypes because they are more complex. Cultural differences may be apparent between different nations but within any one nation the amount of cultural variation is probably even greater than what is inaccurately judged as a sort of average for the whole population.

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