
What is the difference between advertising and marketing? long answers please.?

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What is the difference between advertising and marketing? long answers please.?




  1. The buzz word in today's business world is MARKETING.

    However, most people often ask for a simple

    explanation of "Marketing."

    Here it is:

    You're a man and you see a gorgeous woman at a party.

    You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed,"

    That's (((Direct Marketing)))

    You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a

    gorgeous woman. One of your friends goes up to her and

    pointing at you says,"He's fantastic in bed,"


    LoL :)

  2. The spelling. Now do your own homework.

  3. advertising is letting people know about your product and marketing is the process by which you sell your product.(price,place,product and promotion.)use that to help you with your homework.this is just the definition.

    by the way answerer number one.good answer.

  4. Advertising is actually a tool of marketing.

  5. Advertising is a subset of marketing.  Marketing is roughly grouped into the following areas:  Product (development), Price, Place (distribution) and Promotion (advertising, PR).

  6. advertising is a paid form of doing a publicity of needs sponsers ....its expensive and usualy done by big companies....

    marketing is bying and selling of products by consumers or includes production,bying and selling,transpotation,storage,branding,p...

  7. advertising falls under the umbrella of marketing. marketing includes advertising, sales, public relations, press, etc. so, advertising is a form of marketing. advertising is just the specific print/broadcast/web works that deliberately promote the brand.

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