
What is the difference between age 15 and age 18

by  |  earlier

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my question perhaps, idk

do you think this question is pregnant (hint: category is ridiculous)




  1. Also, I have a pregnant table! hahaha. everyone seems to think they're prego these days! what has happened to the world?!

  2. there's a difference...18yr old is able to do as there pleased and a 15yr old is limited to things.


  3. alottt! u must be 15...cuz trust me when u turn 18 you will understand.

  4. ....I'm lost.

    lol, I have no idea what you guys are all talking about.

  5. Yes, this question is pregnant. My dad is pregnant, too.

  6. Well if your not as dumb as i think i think its ......... 3 years in between 4 if you count 18  

  7. 3 years DUH!!!

  8. ones a child (15)

    and ones a legal adult (18)

    simple as that


  9. Crazy title question, haha.

  10. Three years difference.



    1. One can drive

    2. One's legal

    3. One can't drive (depending where you live)

    4. If they're pregnant, its rape.

  11. bigger breast and more horny

  12. okay, just a couple wise words, RUN TO MEXiCO, thts considered rape boy, and if docs find out, whoooop, off to jail ya go!

  13. three years....... i dunget it.

  14. Not much difference. The only real difference is that the 15 year old is deprived of privileges that they can handle (thought of as an innocent little flower that's no different from a 4 year old), while the 18 year old is given more privileges than they can handle. The 18 year old is often forced to move out, take a minimum wage job, buy a seedy apartment that they keep like their room, use their credit cards like toys and end up in a monster debt, and have trouble with motivation and knowledge on how to pay all the bills (even after a few years). The reason being, because as a 15 year old, they were sheltered, given a 9 PM curfew, expected to pretend that they were asexual in nature and no different than their sibling who was in kindergarten, and all the while expected to magically become adults who know everything about managing their finances, buying the right house, starting a family, and finding a great job as soon as they turn 18. And only because most teens aren't given training on how to become responsible adults, instead they're treated like innocent little children. What we get is teens that are anything but innocent, but have all the immaturity of little kids.

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