This is mainly for Liberals, and others who agree with a "woman's" "right" to choose death for their unborn babies, but yet, it appears these same Liberals are against an adults right to choose whether or not to fight in the Military, and obey the rules, and oath they swore by. I cannot understand this thinking. A baby doesn't get a choice but to die, at the will of a woman who doesn't want a baby she created, but an adult who knows the risks he/she takes in joining the military to fight, and maybe die, is being used by the government?
Can any pro-choice advocate make sense of this for me, with logical reason?
By the way, if a baby makes it through a botched abortion, Barack Obama thinks giving said child medical-care, is interfering with the original decision of death for the baby:Fox News: Hannity, and Combs, last night.
Thanks for reasonable answers. What say you?