
What is the difference between an environmentalist and a conservationist?

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What is the difference between an environmentalist and a conservationist?




  1. An environmentalist primarily deals with the impacts of problems with the environment on the human population and believes that we must find ways to coexist with nature to support ourselves. These are the type of people who support tree farming (grow trees, cut them down, grow them again.)

    Conservationists are the very natural people who believe that nature should be preserved for its own sake. Like green peace.

    But people use the terms almost the same way these days and call everyone environmentalists. Hope this helps. cheers

  2. environmentalist help the environment and conservationalist help with conservation...

  3. Generally speaking, conservationists promote a "wise use" policy, while environmentalists promote a policy of protectionism.

    A conservationist looks at a forest as says "we can log 50% of this forest and let it regrow."

    An environmentalist says "leave the forest untouched and find another way."

    Both ideals are needed, because we need to harvest resources sustainably to some extent, but some areas should also be left alone as habitat for the other coupple of million species living on this planet with us.

  4. Conservationist I would think preserves the natural environment, and environmentalist would kinda repair the environment.

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