
What is the difference between an infinite universe and a parallel universe?

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What is the difference between an infinite universe and a parallel universe?




  1. infinite implies one that goes on forever, while parallel implies at least two if not more that in some way mirror each other.  when i think about the idea of a parallel universe a choose your own adventure book comes to mind.  it's the idea that whenever i am presented with a choice or a fork in the road, there is a universe for every possible choice.

  2. I don't think they have a relation at all. Consider this:

    Imagine a Planck's unit of space. That is a tiny fraction of a millimeter; the distance in which the position of a particle cannot be observed. Now, imagine our observable universe that is several billion light years wide. Imagine how many planck's units there can be in that universe. That is a number so big that there is not enough paper on earth to write it down.

    Now, imagine all the possible combinations of those Planck units in the universe. That is a number so big that ... well, no one ever will be able to calculate it or write it. Let's call it Big Number!

    Now, Big Number + 1 is greater than Big Number, right?

    But Infinity + 1 is still Infinity!

    The interesting point here is that most people believe e.g. in a religion that promises eternal (infinite time) life after death. Yet, when talking about Big Number, they won't accept it.

    Most religions tell you that you have free-will: you can change your destiny. But if that is true, there must be ... a Big Number of alternatives where any possible outcome of an event happens; and that must be ... at every Plank's unit of time which is also extremely small.

    So, it is possible that our universe has an extra dimension that we can refer as parallel universes where what can happen, does.

    Because - and as the basis of Intelligent Design - scientists agree that the chances that the Big Bang resulted in the universe as we know it are extremely small.

    A proof of God's creation, say the ID supporters. Perhaps. But then when did it stop? Because either we have free-will or everything is already written (pre-determinism).

    If we have free-will then the universe exists as we can observe it simply because it can. Quantum principle of uncertainity seems to support that.

    ... but, of course, this is only philosophycal speculations. Still, the idea of parallel universes or multiverses has been explored by many respected scientists from Kurt Gödel to Everett.

  3. Approximately 90 degrees.

    In warmer latitudes this may vary with ambient temperature.

  4. Infinite Universe- Matter which goes on for ever ie a Universe with no limits

    Parallel Universe- Two or more Universes which matter can never be in contact with each other ie looking through a mirror at your reflection you can never touch you reflection. Parallel Universe are not elsewhere but right here yet you can not see it only our own as the other Universe is parallel

    Some people believe their are a positive and negative universe where everything is completely identical and also plays out identically the only difference is everything is opposite in positions so basically a mirror is the only view of it or example.

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