
What is the difference between animals and humans and are animals meant for dietary needs as a concern to all.

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Animals are created to live as much as human do.The existential living of an animal is part of our ecological safety living and not for utility use.Under no circumstances todays human should live on them as far as the law of mother nature is concerned. They first arrive on the planet earth without causing any harm to anyone before the arrival of so called human flesh eating humans came to the earth to settle with the permission of the animals.Animals are humans that are very accountable creates a feeling of new living,give all kinds of comfort guide sincere vigilance and support to humans in all ways,very inspirational in their co-existencies with society, who never causes harm to anyone,mindful in their thinking,well accepted to anyone who shows love to them.They are more interlligent than lawyers and more accurate than barristers and are sound auditionist and the best scientist that the world can ever see with all animals without exceptions,health humanitarian reasons live them alone




  1. We have teeth designed for eating meat AND vegetables.

    If we were all vegetarians think of the environmental impact.  Many veg create excess gas.  There would be so much more greenhouse gas being released.  :op

  2. what?

    Animals eat other animals to survive... it's the cycle of life... humans are basically "advanced" animals... we also have the teeth to tear and chew meat, so we're ment to eat it as part of a healthy diet...

  3. animals only c**p on your carpet and people c**p on you

  4. You speak as if human beings were aliens from another planet looking to mine this one for food.  Truth is, we're part of the animal group too.

    Look at all the predators in the animal kingdom that feed on other animals; is what they are doing wrong?  Of course not.  Man errs only when he becomes greedy and overkills beyond his needs.

  5. Eh? Animals are humans that are very accountable creatures...who never cause harm to anyone?  Have you never heard of lions?

    All animals including humans have the right to try to eat whatever other animal we can, provided we can catch and kill it.  And most animals in their natural habitat will do just that.  yum

  6. Might is right id the rule.Tiger and Lion thinks that human beings are made by God as their food.Do you agree?No.You kill them with guns and eat.Eating animals started as way to fight hunger.This should have been stopped when man found out agriculture.But what happended thereafter was different,eating animals became for satisfying TASTE and NOT HUNGER.If you thinking animals are living organisms and killing them sin,there is no escape plants are also living things(J.C.Bose Theory) and even they have feelings.If there is no difference betwen killing an animal or a plant,what will be able to eat?

    If you become vegetarian,you may be able to save animals.It is your choice.

  7. First, animals eat each other, there is such a thing as a food chain. It's the way of nature.

    As it happens, humans are now on the top of that food chain, due to our superior ability to manipulate the natural world around us. However, what with global warming, the joke's on us.

    Finally, a point that diehard veggies prefer to ignore: most domesticated animals are now bred for human consumption. If they were not, they would be extinct now, as they would be in competition with humans for other resources ... and who do you think would win?

    The fact is, they cannot exist on this planet that is so heavily populated with humans unless they can integrate in some way, and it's usually in the form of the food chain.

    Yes, animals are superior, but wild animals do and will continue to rely on their natural instincts. A predator who can kill you for food will do so if it is hungry. A herbivore will eat whatever's in your garden, it's in its nature. A larger hoofed animal like a horse or cow will kick you and run if it feels threatened. It's what they do.

    So if you like animals so much, go and study what they are REALLY like. You will learn a new respect for them - and the variety in the ways that nature has designed animals has my respect every day - and you will understand that the world is not and never will be The Lion King or whatever that anthropomorphic but highly entertaining trash was. I'm talking real life here.

  8. There is no difference between animals and humans, we are just another species of animal.

  9. The difference is that we are far more complex than animals and  unlike animals we have the ability to think.  We can spend hours thinking about stuff, our emotional capacity is far more advanced than any other creature.  We even debate about whether it is right to eat other animals - something you will never find a lion doing.  It s all about the food chain.

  10. If we weren't meant to eat animals then they wouldn't be made of meat.

    I'm a vegetarian however. But that's only because I really hate vegetables.

  11. I would argue that plants mean us even less harm than animals. They are almost perfectly benign to us, and many have medicinal benefits. Therefore, we should eat animals before we eat plants. People get eaten by bears and moutain lions once in awhile.

    But seriously, animals eat each other. WE are animals. Humans have certain protein and nutrient requirements which are readily met by the consumption of meat. It's possible to be a vegetarian and lead a healthy life, but to say that we shouldn't eat meat because animals "have every possible positive quality imaginable" is just silly.

    "Smarter than lawyers"...have you ever met a lawyer?

  12. To say that just because we have the tools to eat meat (teeth) and that our ancestors did means that we should continue to do so is not a valid argument.

    I've got all the necessary equipment to go out and rape some poor inocent female, and I'm pretty sure that some of my ancient ancestors will have done so. However I don't think that would justify me in behaving like that.

  13. We are not apart from nature, we are a part of it.

    Animals didn't give us permission to live on their planet, we are one of them not seperate.

    Its that feeling of specialness, that seperation, that allows us to pollute the planet and damage it. If we were more aware of how animal we are, we wouldn't be so stupid as a species.

  14. Human beings can pick and choose what they eat among the resources they have at their disposal; animals eat instinctively. They are more "programmed" so to speak, to eat certain things. If a human being chooses to do so, they can avoid meat, milk or whatever and choose to eat something else. Just like many people choose to eat meat and junk food in preference to vegetables and fruit, knowing as they do so that their diet is often imbalanced and unhealthy.

    I am a vegetarian by personal preference: I prefer vegetables over meat. I have no "moral" agenda and I don't pretend to. And I don't believe that my diet choices make me morally or otherwise superior to others who disagree. If many vegetarians/vegans were honest, they would realise that they too have *chosen* this path because they *prefer* it. You don't find veg*ns who really hate what they're eating but do it anyway! At least not if they're honest with themselves.

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