
What is the difference between being confidence and arrogance?

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I don't understand this strange balancing act...

i've asked some people this question before, and they've said that confident guys don't say that they can do things, they just do them...

but I don't get that... how can you show confidence without some sort of communication, even through body langauge...

whenever I try to be confident, people always mistake it for being cocky or arrogant...

how can I less concieted, and be more confident?

someone please help.




  1. I think confidence is a belief in yourself- a belief that you know you matter, your opinions matter, and that you are capble of doing what needs to be done in many different situations. People who are self-confident are still respectful of other people and their opinions and feelings.

    People who are arrogant only care about themselves. They have the belief that only their opnions or feelings are important and that every one else is second to them.

    To be confident without being arrogant be sure to listen to other people, accept when you are wrong or when someone else has a better idea, be open to sharing and exchanging ideas with people instead of always having to to be right or in charge, show respect to yourself and to others at all times.

  2. I think Arrogance comes from too much confidence. Such as being over confident may make you look down on people.

    The way I see it:

    Confidence - Being able to do something, without embarrasment or blushing. Not over doing your confidence by showing it off in front of your mates. Eg, Acting on stage when needed or want to.

    Arragant - Over doing your confidence by showing it off and trying to show people that other people in society are not as superior as you are.

  3. There is only one differance between arrogance and confidance: When someone says you're confident they're being nice. When someone says you're arrogant they're not- they mean exactly the same thing expressed from differant viewpoints.

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