
What is the difference between breathing & respiration?

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What is the difference between breathing & respiration?




  1. breathing is the (usually) subconsious action in which your diapragm relaxes and your intercostile muscles push outwards and up to take in oxygen using the laws of diffusion. the opposide of theis is done to release air from the lungs.

    respiration, however, is when your cells use the oxygen taken in to burn down minerals in food to create energy for your body.

    thank you    ; D

  2. Breathing is the physical act that animals perform to take in oxygen rich air and expulse oxygen deficient air. Respiration is the chemical process by which cells break down energy rich molecules (glucose) to get energy to perform cellular functions.

    hope that helps.

  3. Breathing is the simple act of inhaling (taking in air) and exhaling (taking out air), to and from the lungs. We can see and feel this process happening.

    Respiration, on the other hand, is the process wherein oxygen enters the system for use by the body and its organs. The oxygen from the lungs goes into the bloodstream, which then carries the oxygen into the cells. The cells then use the oxygen to generate energy. The process of respiration is an internal bodily process and cannot be witnessed without special instruments.

  4. Well, breathing is the introduction/espulsion of air; respiration is the sum of all the reactions which happen in your cells when they use oxigen and nutrients and produce CO2 and energy


    Breathing is the physical act that animals perform to take in oxygen rich air and expulse oxygen deficient air. Respiration is the chemical process by which cells break down energy rich molecules (glucose) to get energy to perform cellular functions.

  5. Breathing is taking in Oxygen and giving out carbndioxide and respiration is breaking the sugars in the body for makking energy

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