
What is the difference between children who play indoors and outdoors?

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(physically and mentally)




  1. Some children just aren't athletic or sporty. No one should be forced to play outdoor games. One can get just as much mental stimulation inside by reading, playing board games, doing dramatic play/make-believe & crafty projects.

  2. Well,

    Outside kids have athletic skills

    and indoors kids will be mini couch poatatos

  3. children who play outdoors are active, physically in better form, have wonderful imaginations, they are not restless and naughty, because they use their physical energy running around, they get to play with neighborhood children.... children who spend their time indoors may be better at video and computer games, but honestly, they sit indoors all day at school already, they need some real free time where they can run, yell, get dirty, be carefree also gave me a chance to clean the house and then I spend at least a couple of hours with them outside... I felt like a child myself, I mean when can an adult behave carefree without people looking sideways at them, unless they play silly with their kids... no one cares then... keeps me in shape as well (lol) childhood passes so fast... it makes no sense to spend it indoors in front of a TV or any other screen.

  4. Outdoor kids: better physical form, more friends, learning lessons of life, breathing fresh air and having a more interesting and exiting life, which is real.

    Indoor kids: less good physical form, overprotected and less able to handle ordinary problems in life, plus possibly addicted to computer games and TV.

  5. children who are outdoors more often are generally more active and adventurous, and also learn more from being outside in a different environment, then children who play indoors.

  6. Skin color...those who play outdoors usually are darker skinned (tanned)than those who stay indoors (fish belly white)

    Those who play outdoors are usually more physically fit, not overweight, healthier.  

    and mushy brains...those who play outdoors with their friends are socially active, learn the art of "give and take" they use their imaginations, become more intelligent as adults.  

    Those who spend their time indoors are subject to the influence of television, computers, video games and lack imagination and as they get older this lack of imagination leads to a lack of leads to mediocrity

  7. Physically children who play outdoors are going to me more althletic and physically fit. They will have better gross motor skills.

    Mentally children who play outside  will have better imaginations and a better sense of nature. They will be calmer and less "wild" because they have a venue for getting out their energy while outside while kids who are always inside will feel cooped up and will act out because they have energy to burn and no where to burn it.

  8. Since there are almost no children who exclusively do either, how can anyone know?

  9. children inside get cut by glass and break things

    children outside fall and get scratched and run into trees

  10. My two boys love to play outside. They like to explore and run around like crazy. Fresh air and sunshine are good for kids well really anyone for that matter. They also like to be indoors and watch movies or paint or run around like crazy! Oh and I have to disagree with the people that say if they play outside they will be calmer. My five year old will run circles around you from dusk til dawn if he gets the chance. It doesn't matter if he has been outside in 100 degree weather running around all day long.

  11. I just think it's good for kids to play outside because it just gets them fresh air, tons of exercise, and has them use their imagination a lot...nothing wrong with playing indoors sometimes but not often.

  12. some times back the children game was park based like going out meet friend play football and kind of now days they are hi tech asking for video game, PC games, PS games or iPod so see the taste changes so there is no comparison between all of them

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