
What is the difference between commutative property and associative property?

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they seem like the same thing to me!




  1. Commutative property changes the order.

    Example: 1+2+3=6 or 2+3+1=6

    Associative property keeps the same order but changes parentheses.

    1 x (2 x 3) = 6 or (1 x 2) x 3 = 6

  2. Addition is commutative and associate.

    Addition is commutative because

    (a + b) = (b + a)

    Addition is associative because

    a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

    Commutation has to do with the order of the operators performed, and association has to do with the order of evaluations.

    Subtraction is not associative; take a = 1, b = 2, c = 3.

    a - (b - c) = 1 - (2 - 3) = 1 - (-1) = 2

    (a - b) - c = (1 - 2) - 3 = (-1) - 3 = -4

    So, as you can see, not equal.

    Division is not commutative; take a = 1, b = 3.

    a / b = 1/3

    b/a = 3/1 = 3

    As you can see, a/b is not equal to b/a.

  3. commutative means:

    x operation y = y operation x

    A bad example:

    Stopping a car and getting out is not the same as getting out and the stopping the car: this operation is NOT commutative.

    associative means:

    (x operation y) operation z = x operation (y operation z)

    When you have 3 variables you can do 1,2 and then 3 or

    2,3 and then 1, it the same.

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