
What is the difference between compact,digital versatile disc,laser disc?which is best in terms of clarity.

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What is the difference between compact,digital versatile disc,laser disc?which is best in terms of clarity.




  1. As far as I know, there is no difference in clarity, because the clarity depends on the data itself not the storage medium. For example you have a video that is 800x600, definitely the 1024x800 is much clearer than that of 800x600.

    The clarity depends on the resolution/dpi(dots per inch). Also the larger the resolution, more or less the bigger the data will become.

  2. compact disk - CD disk (music)

    digital versatile disk - DVD disk (movie)

    laser disk - (movie) not made any longer.

    Actually, none of these. Blu Ray (and discontinued HD DVD) are sharper.

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