
What is the difference between crystal and glass?

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What is the difference between crystal and glass?




  1. A crystal is a solid lattice of atoms.

    Glass, on the other hand, is an amorphous solid (usually of silicate).

    Cannibalizing from Wikipedia (never a good idea -- use the linked sources!), we learn that a glass is defined as:

    "In the technical sense, glass is an inorganic product of fusion which has been cooled to a rigid condition without crystallizing."

    They appear similar and have many similar properties, but do not be fooled -- they are different forms of matter.  Cool, huh?

  2. i believe that crystal has a lead component and glass does not

  3. From what I have understood, besides the lead content, it is the amount of ash that is still in the "glass". They keep purifying it and purifying it until it becomes crystal. The green color that appears in  the glass is the amount of ash still left in it. That is why crystal is so "crystal clear". lol

    And of course.... what they wrote above is an answer as well .

  4. crystal is highly addictive so don't do it

    but i wouldn't recommend snorting glass either...

  5. Crystal is solid while glass is a 'supercooled liquid'.

  6. Sean is right

    If you look at glass under a microscope you will see randomness.  It has not repeating structure to it just randomly orientated molecules.

    Crystals on the other hand have a very precise and geometric patern on a molecular level.  think of an elaborate series of rafters supporting the roof of a large structure and then think of trying to hold that same roof up by a pile of randomly scattered beams tossed in a pile without nails

    both are hard enough to walk on but one is much much more stable and supportive.  

    You can see through a diamond and you can see through glass

    but diamond cuts glass like butter becase the molecules are arranged in a very perfect geometric structure called a tetrahedron

  7. Crystal is a solid, meaing it has atomical structure.  Glass, since it is not a solid, is technically a highly viscous liquid.  This is why old windows have that rippled effect.  It's also why if you waited long enough your window would be a puddle.

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