
What is the difference between deja vu and premonition?

by Guest33844  |  earlier

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What is the difference between deja vu and premonition?




  1. Basically back and forth..

    Deja vu is when your body is telling you it remembers the place. eg, from the past

    Premonition, something from the future..


  2. deja -vu is the sometimes creepy feelimg that you have already had the same experience. Usually you end up wracking your brian for information about when where etc,

    premonitions are harder to describe - like an urgent feeling  of  danger and a compulsion to act in a certain way - maybe  to get in touch with someone.

  3. premonitions are hints into the future where as deja vu is a feeling of repeating the past (or rather an instance of the past).

    For example, if a red car drives by and honks its horn at a kid on his bike and you have the strange feeling that that situation has happened before then that is deja vu.

    If you had a dream that a plane was going to crash and so you didn't get on, then that might be a premonition.

  4. Deja vu is a mental visualization of something you have seen before, or something you have done before. It is a repeat of something that has already happened. A premonition is a visualization of something that is about to happen, but has not yet materialized. It is seeing something happen before it really happens.

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