
What is the difference between diploid and haploid number of chromosomes???

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  1. Generally, each human, for example, has a diploid (di- means 2) so 2 sets of chromosomes which is 46. And the haploid (think of half or 1) number is one set, is the number of chromosomes contributed by each parent.

  2. diploid number of chromosomes is the total number in a normal body cell.  Example a human has 46 chromosomes in every body cell, thus diploid.  the haploid is half of the diploid number so for humans that would be 23.  A haploid number of chromosomes in humans are found in the sperm and egg.  When the sperm and egg unite the diploid number is restored, 46

  3. The DIPLOID number of chromosomes refers to the FULL set of chromosomes ... in humans this is 46

    The HAPLOID number of chromosomes refers to HALF the number of the set of chromosomes ... in humans this is 23

    [ To rememeber: 'hap' = 'half' ]

  4. Haploid is a having single set of chromosomes (hap means half), diploid is when there is a normal set from each parent.

  5. haploid contain only one set of chromsomes, being 23 chromsome and are the s*x cells.

    diploid cells are are two sets of chromsome and are body cells being 46 chromosomes.

  6. Haploid is having one copy or set of chromosomes (n) whereas diploid is having two copies of each gene (paired set of chromosomes) (2n).

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