
What is the difference between doubts, and uncertainty which lead to fear

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What is the difference between doubts, and uncertainty which lead to fear

Recently my Girlfriend, and I have been having some discussions, which has brought up some fears which on the surface appear to be stemming from doubts on my part, they aren't doubts, but fears stemming from uncertainty.

I know doubts lead to fear, and uncertainty leads to fear, and in this case these are stemming from uncertainty.

How do you tell the difference, as in this case from my girlfriends observations of my fears as stemming from doubt, instead of fears stemming from uncertainty?

As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness

(((((((May All Be Happy)))))))

Thank-you for Answering





  1. "Doubting without a basis is the equivalent of—is indeed a form of—asserting without a basis. Both procedures, being arbitrary, are disqualified by the very nature of human cognition. In reason, certainty must precede doubt, just as a grasp of truth must precede the detection of error. To establish a claim to knowledge, what one must do is to prove an idea positively, on the basis of the full context of evidence available; i.e., a man must prove that he is right. It is not incumbent on anyone—nor is it possible—to prove that he is not wrong, when no evidence of error has been offered."

    Leonard Peikoff,

    “‘Maybe You’re Wrong,’ from ” The Objectivist Forum; by Ayn Rand

    April 1981

  2. what is Metta?

  3. May be I could spend a lifetime in doubt, but a few moments of uncertainty might spell disaster in my mind. I think, to doubt is to think. It is as simple as this. And to think is also to question is to search, to explore and to find whatever it may take to fulfil a doubt. We keep our doubts within the certainties of our faith, for there alone they find their reason to be of some credibility. We can never have all but doubt in the mind. We must also have faith. To doubt is as natural in the mind as it is to believe.

    I would not say ’doubts lead to fear’, instead, that doubt points to fears, and in a sense reveal their sources. Therefore, soon as the mind is able to doubt it is free from the grips of uncertainty, from fear.

    Uncertainty on the other hand, is something quite alienating thing in the mind. It there as chaos, perplexity, confusion, unconsciousness, the point beyond the limits of our knowledge and awareness, form where we could see no further, and know no longer. We see uncertainty when for instance we wonder about the nature of the universe, of life, of matter, as we are never certain if this universe is all that is there, if there is life after life, or what exactly is inside atom - at this point even science has come admit of uncertainty, a humble admission from the mightiest instrument of human intellect.

    I think it is uncertainty alone that instils fear in the mind, in its various forms. The mind, when paralysed by sheerness of uncertainty and confusion, cannot think, cannot formulate questions to circumvent its doubt, it cannot feel fear. But mind in doubt is a restless, agitated and disconcerted mind, a mind that would not rest until it has reached the heart of a mystery or an intrigue.

  4. Uncertainty and doubt are understandable if you are in a situation that you feel is not right. Ascertain whether it is your vulnerability, your environment or the people you are surrounded by. Take a little time for introspection and consider your choices. Write down, maybe, your private concerns and fears in a diary or notebook of sorts.

    Sometimes fears are caused by emotional over sensitivity, external negative forces, concerns about the company we are keeping or simply self doubt. Major decisions and life changing situations cause intrepidation, it is healthy to hold doubts, and wise to eliminate any room for these doubts to become realities.

    Take a little time for introspection, self contemplation, and try to figure out why you are angst ridden. Sometimes the reasons are spiritually deep and require gentle probing to bring to the surface.

    Peace and Love Upon You ...

  5. Maybe this is just over my head but i'll give it a go.

    Doubts and uncertainty are the same , yea? In both cases you don't know. (Am I in deep enough yet?)

    I know about FEAR.





    The false evidence is where the doubts and uncertainty come from - leading to FEAR. You need all the facts to get rid of the False Evidence which disposes of the Apparent Reality - Thus the FEAR dissapears.

    So get rid of your doubts and uncertainty and fear by finding the truth, cos at the end of the day you just want rid of the fear... right?.

    (Told you, well over my head)

  6. I think the difference between doubt and uncertainty is very slight.  Uncertainty is something of the unknown and doubt is of what you currently know that is what I think.  Is it right I don't know.  It is ok to doubt however is your doubt based on your own personal fears and not the truth at hand.  I think you need try to look at your situation objectively if at all possible.  Try to see it as a third person looking in and see if your doubt or uncertainty is justified or just plain fear that you are bringing to the table.  Deep question.  

  7. I think you check the doubts to see if they are neutral pieces of information or whether they are supercharged with emotions from the past.

    I think it helps to have a conversation with your gf about the subject  and tape it. Wait a few days till you have forgotten what  you said and listen to it again as a neutral observer - It is amazing how much you can glean from this exercise about your  process. I f the two of you re listen together you can say what you were thinking and feeling at the time it was said . Its a way of opening up to deeper inner disturbances.

  8. hey manapa......... well answered already....... my concise answer..... doubt is fear in the present.......  uncertainty is a fear of a future..... be good.......

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