
What is the difference between ecotourism and standard tourism?

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What is the difference between ecotourism and standard tourism?




  1. Ecotourism is more pretentious. The notion is that by channeling tourists to see specific kinds of wildlife or ecosystems, tourism money can be directed towards protecting those ecosystems from damage. Although this is the ostensible goal, it is often more of a selling point, and the environmental stewardship often takes a backseat to attracting tourist dollars, meaning that "ecotourism" can often result in greater ecological damage to the very ecosystems it is supposed to protect.

  2. Well Ill actually say it in english instead of fluent textbook echoturism is people who go only for the nature like in hawii they would go and look for the water falls and scuba dive .And regular turism is when you go for the sights for example in hawii rather then going to the water falls and nature hikes you would go to a louought or a party or to a movie.Echo=nature    Tourism=Everything

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