
What is the difference between fast ferries and regular ferries?

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A friend of mine is doing a report for a naval architecture class, and she was wondering what defines a fast ferry. I know that there is a certain speed that sets the two types apart, but I don't know what it is. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.





  1. the fast ferries are the ocean going type that go between ports that are a long distance apart. the newer are catamaran type hulls that have passenger staterooms and operare at high speed. they carry autos and large trucks. small type usually operate across rivers or small bays of short distance at low speed.

  2. fast ferries are fast, regular ferries have deep displacement hulls and tend to be slower.  austel, australian company is one of the best known producer of fast ferries. ff go at speeds up to 30-35 knots while a regular ferry may only do 15-20. sunday i counted 8 fast hydrofoil ferries going to macau while i was returning on a hydrofoil. there must be a hundred hydrofoil and catarmaran fast ferries in the hong kong area and i was told there were  forty more on order to service the new casinos in macau.  i am in a shipyard here and have extensive photographs of catamaran fast ferries.  these are all powered by kamawa water jets.  one that was just launched a week ago had four 1500 hp water jets for power.

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